Zigar 0.13.1 released

The latest version mainly focuses on compatibility with C. Pointer handling has been reworked so that you can retrieve data through C pointers (and many-item pointers) despite the lack of a length.

Most C functions should be callable on the JavaScript side now. Want to use good old fopen() and fwrite(), you can! There’s support for variadic functions like snprintf() too. Technically that was the hardest part to implement but a lot of things are possible thanks to the power of Zig. I created a little web demo that showcases the new capability. It’s really utterly pointless since no one would actually use snprintf() in JavaScript. The feature is meant more as a demonstration of how you can program at a lower, closer to the metal, level in Zig than C.

The other major addition is support for iterators. When you return a struct that has a next method, you can now retrieve items it returns using JavaScript’s for (x of y) syntax.

Unlike previous versions, this version was tested on non-x86 platforms. It works on ARM64 on both Linux and MacOS. Couldn’t get it to run on RISCV64 due to missing support in Zig (missing ucontext_t). It should work on PowerPC but I couldn’t test it against real hardware.

Anyway, I hope there’re people out there who find my work useful.