(Windows) Project rebuilds from scratch every few hours

I’ve recently started using Zig on Windows. I’ve noticed that whenever I go to rebuild my project after not having done so for a few hours, the zig compiler recompiles my project and the entire dependency tree from scratch instead of just using the cache. I don’t understand why, because this didn’t happen to me on Linux. Does anyone else have this problem or know how to fix it? I’m using a practically clean install of Windows 10, and compiler version 0.14.0-dev.2316+68b3f5086.

I have noticed this on linux, but there it seems to happen on the next day, I am not sure if it happens for all builds, but it does with raylib builds.

I haven’t found out what the cause is, but I haven’t investigated deeply.

It seems like something makes the cache time-dependent, I wondered whether something uses temporary files that eventually get auto-deleted by the host system, causing a missing dependency that then forces a rebuild, but that is just a guess.

Is your project backed up by OneDrive? Don’t do that.

I have no such thing set up, thankfully.