If you have a large type definition with a bunch of fields you can define it at the top level of it’s own file. For example:
//! File: Human.zig
// @This() at the top level of a file gives you the file's type, which is a struct.
// This is ueful since we aren't declaring it with a name like `const Human = struct {...`
const Human = @This();
const std = @import("std");
name: []const u8,
age: u8,
pub fn sayHello(self: Human) void {
std.debug.print("Hi, my name is {s}.\n", .{self.name});
Then to use the type elsewhere:
const Human = @import("Human.zig");
const jim = Human{
.name = "Jim",
.age = 30,
There a bunch of examples of this in std, like std.fs.File, or std.Build
This also works the other way, you can define sub-namespaces without a whole new file:
Additionally, this is also often referred to as “container level” - just thought I’d throw that in because you’ll come across that phrase occasionally.