Using both `_` and `else` in switch prongs

I have a use-case which might call for using both the _ and the else prongs in a switch. This currently is a compiler error. Do you think this should be allowed?

In my use case, I am deserailizing a byte stream. I don’t trust the byte stream so my Enum must be able to handle all possible values. I also want to make sure I get the right value of the enum.

/// Mailbox Types
/// Ref: IEC 61158-4-12:2019 5.6
pub const MailboxType = enum(u4) {
    /// error
    ERR = 0x00,
    /// ADS over EtherCAT (AoE)
    /// Ethernet over EtherCAT (EoE)
    /// CAN Application Protocol over EtherCAT (CoE)
    /// File Access over EtherCAT (FoE)
    /// Servo Drive Profile over EtherCAT (SoE)
    /// Vendor Specfic over EtherCAT (VoE)
    VoE = 0x0f,

pub const InContent = union(enum) {
    coe: coe.InContent,

    // TODO: implement other protocols

    /// identifiy the content of the mailbox in buffer
    fn identify(buf: []const u8) !std.meta.Tag(InContent) {
        var fbs =;
        const reader = fbs.reader();
        const mbx_header = try wire.packFromECatReader(Header, reader);

        return switch (mbx_header.type) {
            .CoE => return .coe,
            _ => return error.InvalidMbxProtocol,
            else => return error.NotImplemented,

ah, there is already a proposal

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