I am trying to take one file as input and a second file as a reformatted version of the old file. I am seeing a weird output where if I use a buffered writer the last 475 characters get left out of the file and with bigger files more characters are cut off. If I use the default file writer I do not see this issue. (using zig 0.13.0)
If I do this on small files (~2KB) nothing gets printed. For bigger file (4.5MB+) parts are cut off. The cutoffs appear to be within a 4KB boundary. If I start with a 14KB file, the output value is 12KB, 15KB to 12KB, 17KB to 16KB etc.
Am I using the buffered writer incorrectly? Or is there some nuance of it that I am missing? It appears it writes only when the 4096 byte buffer is full.
const std = @import("std");
const cwd = std.fs.cwd();
pub fn main() !void {
const read_file = try cwd.openFile("E_coli.txt", .{.mode = .read_only});
defer read_file.close();
var buf_reader = std.io.bufferedReader(read_file.reader());
const reader = buf_reader.reader();
const new_file = try cwd.createFile("E_coli.fna", .{});
defer new_file.close();
var buf_writer = std.io.bufferedWriter(new_file.writer());
const writer = buf_writer.writer();
//problem appears if the 2 above lines are present
//no issues if I use new_file.writer().write() directly
_ = try writer.write(">E. coli chromosome\n");
var line_buffer:[80]u8 = undefined; //enforces line size
while (try reader.read(&line_buffer) != 0) {
_ = try writer.write(&line_buffer);
_ = try writer.write("\n");