/// run emun Function ex: combo
pub const FnEnum = enum {
pub fn run(self: FnEnum, vpnl : *pnl.PANEL, vfld: *fld.FIELD ) void {
switch (self) {
.comboFn01 => comboFn01(vpnl,vfld),
.comboFn02 => comboFn02(vpnl,vfld),
else => dsperr.errorForms(vpnl, Error.main_function_Enum_invalide),
fn searchFn ( vtext: [] const u8 ) FnEnum {
var i :usize = 0;
const max :usize = @typeInfo(FnEnum).Enum.fields.len;
while( i < max ) : (i += 1) {
if ( std.mem.eql(u8, @tagName(@as(FnEnum,@enumFromInt(i))), vtext)) return @as(FnEnum,@enumFromInt(i));
return FnEnum.none;
var callFunc: FnEnum = undefined;
src-zig/Exemple.zig:588:39: error: no field named 'Enum' in union 'builtin.Type'
const max :usize = @typeInfo(FnEnum).Enum.fields.len;
/home/soleil/.zig/lib/std/builtin.zig:259:18: note: union declared here
pub const Type = union(enum) {
since I just updated my ZIG and ZLS master
i have errors, my problem is that zls does not see any error but the compilation does not pass anymore.
can you help me please