Hello! I’m new to Zig. Trying to have fun with raylib.
My code builds fine, why does it fail on run?
const Cell = struct {
cell: Celltype,
color: rl.Color,
velocity: f32,
density: f32,
alive: bool,
changed: bool,
const Grid = struct {
list2d: [screenWidth][screenHeight]Cell,
pub fn init_grid() Grid {
return Grid{
.list2d = [_][screenHeight]Cell{[_]Cell{.{
.cell = Celltype.EMPTY,
.color = rl.Color.black,
.velocity = 0.0,
.density = 0.0,
.alive = false,
.changed = false,
}} ** screenHeight} ** screenWidth,
in main function:
const grid = Grid.init_grid();
Build Summary: 4/6 steps succeeded; 1 failed (disable with --summary none)
run transitive failure
└─ run pixels failure
error: the following build command failed with exit code 1: