Timezone-aware datetime - zdt

DST transition coming up for folks in Europe :sunny:

var tz_Paris = try zdt.Timezone.fromTzfile("Europe/Paris", allocator);
defer tz_Paris.deinit();

_ = zdt.Datetime.fromFields(.{
    .year = 2024,
    .month = 3,
    .day = 31,
    .hour = 2,
    .tzinfo = tz_Paris,
}) catch |err| {
    std.debug.print("oops, cannot create datetime; {}", .{err});
>>> oops, cannot create datetime; error.NonexistentDatetime

concerning zdt code, I’ve made a “clone” on github,

…mainly to try github actions with Zig and autodoc generation on github pages (not working at the moment due to this problem).