Hi all!
I’m looking to make a tagged union, and set the union based on the type, that I would know at runtime. Here is some code (doesn’t compile) that represents what I’m trying to do. I’m sure I’m just missing something simple, but I cannot get it to work for the life of me!
const myType = union(enum) {
i8: i8,
u32: u32,
pub fn foo(T: type, v: T) !myType {
inline for (std.meta.fields(myType)) |fieldInfo| {
if (fieldInfo.type == T) {
// Something like this:
return myType{ .@field(myType, fieldInfo.name) = 5};
// Or this
var t: myType = .{ .i8 = 5 };
@field(t, fieldInfo.name) = v;
return t;
return error.UnsupportedType;
pub fn main() !void {
switch (try foo(u32, 6700)) {
else => |v| try stdout.print("foo(i8, 8) = {any}\n\n", .{v}),