I’ve been trying to figure out why my WebAssembly threads are hitting unreachable
when they terminate. For this purpose I added some debug output to wasi_thread_start()
fn print_address(address: usize) void {
std.debug.print("address = {d}\n", .{address});
fn wasi_thread_start(tid: i32, arg: *Instance) callconv(.c) void {
comptime assert(!builtin.single_threaded);
__set_stack_pointer(arg.thread.memory.ptr + arg.stack_offset);
__wasm_init_tls(arg.thread.memory.ptr + arg.tls_offset);
@atomicStore(u32, &WasiThreadImpl.tls_thread_id, @intCast(tid), .seq_cst);
// *** debug output
asm volatile ("nop");
asm volatile ("nop");
// ***
// Finished bootstrapping, call user's procedure.
// *** debug output
asm volatile ("nop");
asm volatile ("nop");
// ***
switch (arg.thread.state.swap(.completed, .seq_cst)) {
.running => {
// reset the Thread ID
asm volatile (
\\ local.get %[ptr]
\\ i32.const 0
\\ i32.atomic.store 0
: [ptr] "r" (&arg.thread.tid.raw),
// Wake the main thread listening to this thread
asm volatile (
\\ local.get %[ptr]
\\ i32.const 1 # waiters
\\ memory.atomic.notify 0
\\ drop # no need to know the waiters
: [ptr] "r" (&arg.thread.tid.raw),
.completed => unreachable,
.detached => {
// restore the original stack pointer so we can free the memory
// without having to worry about freeing the stack
// Ensure a copy so we don't free the allocator reference itself
var allocator = arg.thread.allocator;
And here’s what I’m getting:
address = 1638412
address = 1638412
address = 1638412
address = 261980
It’s quite inexplicable. So it seems the switch
statement at the bottom is reaching unreachable
because it’s getting a value from arg.thread.state
that isn’t among the possible ones.
Only happens when optimize is Debug
. When it’s ReleaseSafe
, the output is as one would expect:
address = 1638412
address = 1638412
address = 1638412
address = 1638412