Strange result in DWARF symbol for WASM

I encounter something strange. Consider this file (main.zig):

export fn add(a: i32, b: i32) i32 {
  return a + b;

If I compile it with:

zig build-obj main.zig -target x86_64-freestanding

dwarfdump gives me this line number result:

Address            Line   Column File   ISA Discriminator Flags
------------------ ------ ------ ------ --- ------------- -------------
0x0000000000000000      1      0      4   0             0  is_stmt
0x0000000000000008      2      3      4   0             0  is_stmt prologue_end
0x0000000000000040    767      0      1   0             0  is_stmt
0x0000000000000044    788     17      1   0             0  is_stmt prologue_end
0x0000000000000047    788     17      1   0             0  is_stmt end_sequence

Looking at objdump:

   0:   55                      push   %rbp
   1:   48 89 e5                mov    %rsp,%rbp
   4:   48 83 ec 10             sub    $0x10,%rsp
   8:   01 f7                   add    %esi,%edi
   a:   89 7d f8                mov    %edi,-0x8(%rbp)
   d:   0f 90 45 fc             seto   -0x4(%rbp)

This seems about right. The addition is right at address 0x8.

However, if I compile with:

zig build-lib main.zig -target wasm32-freestanding -dynamic

Here is the line number result:

Address            Line   Column File   ISA Discriminator Flags
 ------------------ ------ ------ ------ --- ------------- -------------
 0x0000000000000003      1      0      5   0             0  is_stmt
 0x0000000000000025      2      3      5   0             0  is_stmt prologue_end
 0x0000000000000098      0      3      5   0             0
 0x0000000000000099      2      3      5   0             0
 0x00000000000000b6      0      3      5   0             0
 0x00000000000000b7      2      3      5   0             0
 0x00000000000000d5      2      3      5   0             0  end_sequence
 0x00000000000000d6    767      0      1   0             0  is_stmt
 0x00000000000000d7    788     17      1   0             0  is_stmt prologue_end
 0x00000000000000dc      0     17      1   0             0
 0x00000000000000de      0     17      1   0             0  end_sequence

Looking at the dump with wasm-objdump:

 000092: 21 0b                      | local.set 11
 000094: 20 04                      | local.get 4
 000096: 20 0b                      | local.get 11
 000098: 3a 00 0c                   | i32.store8 0 12
 00009b: 20 04                      | local.get 4
 00009d: 2d 00 0c                   | i32.load8_u 0 12
 0000a0: 21 0c                      | local.set 12
 0000a2: 41 00                      | i32.const 0
 0000a4: 21 0d                      | local.set 13

Address 0x99 does not seems to fit. The actual add instruction is actually at address 0x71.

It gets worst if I start doing more complicated things like:

const std = @import("std");

export fn add(a: i32, b: i32) i32 {
  return a + b;

The return statement in the line number result is pointing to code in the panic handler. I am trying to make Firefox debug WASM code and it’s having trouble. I believe this is because of some bugs in the DWARF symbols for WASM. Am I way off here? Did I just misunderstood how this works?