foo() calls bar(), which in turn calls std.debug.assert() with a false condition… is there way to just report the call-site inside foo()???
standing backing, i’m doing a lot of “semantic validation” inside functions i provide… ideally, i would be able simply report the @src() infomation about my caller…
some of this validation can actually be done at comptime; but in some cases function parameter values aren’t known until runtime… either way, i’d like these to “look-and-feel” as much as possible like standard compiler errors…
I wonder if you could do something by forcing an inline to achieve this (of course there’s other concerns about whether you would want to inline… just throwing out ideas here).
exactly… just like the sort of message i receive from the compiler were i to call foo() with the wrong number and types of arguments…
even @comptimeError would benefit from this feature…
indeed, we’ve seen plenty of examples in which an anytype parameter undergoes further semantic analysis… likewise when we want to verify that a particular pattern is being followed, etc.
in general, imposing a “design-by-contract” veneer onto one’s code often finds it implementation via assert statements (for function pre- and post-conditions)…
I don’t ascribe to the techniques there in my own code for Zig anymore, but there was a lot of great thinking and you might have some more insight into building a better mousetrap.
a little late to the party, but i have started implementing comptime checks in a similar manner… here’s a snip to give you an idea:
pub fn asI(I: type, U: type) I.em__I {
comptime {
if (!U.em__U.hasInterface(I.em__U)) {
@compileError(std.fmt.comptimePrint("{s} does not inherit {s}", .{ U.em__U.upath, I.em__U.upath }));
return mkIobj(I.em__I, U);
this “works”, in that i get a nice compiler error stating that {s} does not inherit {s}… very descriptive, except that the file and line number are referencing the location of my @compileError and NOT the location in my user’s code when they actually called asI(...)
i’ve seen techniques using @returnAddress at runtime to identify the call site… i just don’t know if there is a moral equivalent for comptime…
Could this be due to inlining, since Zig’s stack trace dumping machinery has to walk the stack, and I’m not sure if it grabs inline functions from the DWARF info?
somebody correct me if i’m wrong, but i don’t think @returnAddress makes any sense within a comptime block… the compiler presumably “interpreted” a call to my asI function found somewhere in my sources; i just want to know where that comptime call site is…