Hi, I’m trying to implement a SIMD substring search based on the following post: simd-strfind. There’s a particular part in the code where the following instrinsic is called: _mm256_movemask_epi8
My understanding is that you can take a vector and create a mask using the most significant bit in the byte (or whichever type you use)
// for example:
const x: @Vector(8, u8) = [_] {1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0};
// expected output: u4 = 0b11110000
Now, I’m honestly just a beginner in using SIMD and the I found openmymind and std/simd.zig
to be very helpful in learning the basics. I think I came up with a solution with the following routine:
inline fn movemask(v: @Vector(32, bool)) u32 {
const mask: @Vector(32, u32) = comptime blk: {
var out: [32]u32 = undefined;
for (0..32) |i| {
out[i] = 1 << (31 - i);
break :blk out;
const i: @Vector(32, u32) = std.simd.iota(u32, 32);
const r = @select(u32, v, i, mask);
return ~@reduce(.Or, r);
The thing is that, this really is a single instruction on x86: vpmovmskb
but I can’t seem to emit that instruction when putting this into compiler explorer.
Is there anyway I can adjust my routine to get the instruction I want? Or will it require using the inline assembly?
(title edit to reflect question is mostly about the mask).