Share a code snippet for generating coverage report in GitHub Action

Maybe helpful for your project.

    name: Tests on Linux
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      # zig build and test
      - name: Install kcov
        run: sudo apt-get install -y kcov
      - name: Generate coverage reports
        run: kcov $PWD/kcov-out ./zig-cache/o/*/test
      - name: Upload coverage reports
        uses: codecov/codecov-action@v3
          token: ${{ secrets.CODECOV_TOKEN }}
          directory: ./kcov-out/test
          verbose: true
          fail_ci_if_error: true

To utilize kcov, we need to generate a binary that incorporates DWARF debugging information. For example, ./zig-cache/o/*/test. If you use git submodule to manage dependencies, kcov will track those dependencies as well. To customize the coverage report, you can options like --include-pattern or --exclude-pattern to include or exclude specific files.

In this YAML, the coverage report is being uploaded to Codecov. However, you can choose to use a different platform for test coverage reporting. A small icon that can be embed in, like


Ref: GitHub - SimonKagstrom/kcov: Code coverage tool for compiled programs, Python and Bash which uses debugging information to collect and report data without special compilation options


I couldn’t get it to work. A more comprehensive example would be appreciated.

This is fairly old at this point so the code examples might need to be updated but it should still be relevant if you want to integrate kcov with your build.zig:

Maybe look at this

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kcov is gone from ubuntu-latest