Return multiple values from a function

Is there a simple way to return multiple values from a function, via (for example) an anonymous struct or a tuple?
(I feel like I ought to know the answer to this but I’ve been away from Zig for a while and can’t remember, or find anything),

These are the only ways I know of:

const std = @import("std");

fn arrayMultiVal() [2]u8 {
    return .{ 0, 1 };

fn structMultiVal() struct { x: u8, y: u8 } {
    return .{ .x = 0, .y = 1 };

pub fn main() void {
    const amv = arrayMultiVal();"{} {}", .{ amv[0], amv[1] });
    const smv = structMultiVal();"{} {}", .{ smv.x, smv.y });
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I used this link to write the following:

const std = @import("std");
const Tuple = std.meta.Tuple;
const SomeTuple = Tuple(&.{u32, bool});

fn returnsTuple() SomeTuple {
    return .{
        @as(u32, 7),
        @as(bool, true),

pub fn main() void {
    const x = returnsTuple();"{}", .{x});

Works as expected.


Thanks, both - exactly what I was looking for! Both approaches look useful for different scenarios. I don’t think I can mark both as answers so I’ll mark the first one, but thanks both.