Password Encryption

Output correct:

PS D:\ZigProjects\Encryption> zig run .\src\main.zig

The password length should not be less than 4 and should not exceed 128 characters.

Enter the desired Password: !(1DEJ6L%#W3Gh!00NEzv&$1*^7#@U%6

Entered Password: !(1DEJ6L%#W3Gh!00NEzv&$1*^7#@U%6

Password accepted. Proceeding with encryption…

Hit the error:

Then, I hit the error from hashing the password using SHA-256: 
PS D:\ZigProjects\Encryption> zig run .\src\main.zig 
src\main.zig:36:34: error: struct ‘crypto.hash’ has no member named ‘sha256’ var hasher = std.crypto.hash.sha256.init(); ^~~~~~ D:\Programs\Zig\lib\std\crypto.zig:90:18: note: struct declared here pub const hash = struct {

const std : type = @import(“std”);
const random = @import(“std”).Random;
const crypto = @import(“std”).crypto; 
const sha256 = @import(“std”).crypto.hash.sha256; 
pub fn main() !void { 
    const stdout =; 
    const stdin =; 
    const allocator = std.heap.page_allocator; 
    // Prompt the user for the desired password length 
    std.debug.print(“The password length should not be less than 4 and should not exceed 128 characters.\n”, .{}); 
    try stdout.print("Enter the desired Password: ", .{}); 
    // Read the password from the user const password_input = try allocator.alloc(u8, 128); 
    defer; const password = try stdin.readUntilDelimiterOrEof(password_input, ‘\n’) orelse return; 
    // Validate the password length 
    const length: usize = password.len; if (length < 4 or length > 128) { 
    try stdout.print(“Invalid password length. Please enter a password between 4 and 128 characters.\n”, .{}); 
    // Print the password for demonstration purposes 
    try stdout.print(“Entered Password: {s}\n”, .{password}); 
    // Proceed without showing the hashed password 
    try stdout.print(“Password accepted. Proceeding with encryption…\n”, .{}); 
    // Hash the password using SHA-256 
    var hasher = std.crypto.hash.sha256.init(); 
    try hasher.update(password); 
    const hash = try; 
    // Convert hash to a hexadecimal string 
    const hex_output = try allocator.alloc(u8, hash.len * 2); 
    for (hash) |byte| { 
        try std.fmt.bufPrint(hex_output[byte * 2 … byte * 2 + 2], “{02x}”, .{byte}); 
    // Output the hashed password 
    try stdout.print(“Hashed Password (SHA-256): {s}\n”, .{hex_output}); }


Can you please edit your question to make it easier to read using the “preformatted text” button in the editor.


I wonder if the missing symbols are LLM hallucinations…

I think the original poster would find better success with Zig by reading the standard library reference more carefully and stopping to think where the compile errors are coming from.

As you have mentioned, the error hitting cause the mistake at this line:
const Sha256 = std.crypto.hash.sha2.Sha256;

Therefore, here is fixing code for the error hitting.

const std = @import(“std”);
const random = std.Random;
const crypto = std.crypto;
const Sha256 = std.crypto.hash.sha2.Sha256;

pub fn main() !void {
const stdout =;
const stdin =;

// Prompt for password with better instructions
try stdout.print("Password requirements:\n", .{});
try stdout.print("- Length: 4-128 characters\n", .{});
try stdout.print("- Must contain letters and numbers\n", .{});
try stdout.print("Enter password: ", .{});

// Read password with proper buffer
var password_buffer: [128]u8 = undefined;
const password = try stdin.readUntilDelimiter(&password_buffer, '\n');

// Validate password strength
if (!isPasswordValid(password)) {
    try stdout.print("Password too weak! Must contain both letters and numbers.\n", .{});

// Hash password
var hash: [Sha256.digest_length]u8 = undefined;
Sha256.hash(password, &hash, .{});

// Convert to hex more efficiently
var hex_output: [Sha256.digest_length * 2]u8 = undefined;
_ = try std.fmt.bufPrint(&hex_output, "{s}", .{std.fmt.fmtSliceHexLower(&hash)});

try stdout.print("Hashed Password (SHA-256): {s}\n", .{hex_output});


fn isPasswordValid(password: const u8) bool {
var has_letter = false;
var has_number = false;

for (password) |char| {
    if (std.ascii.isAlphabetic(char)) has_letter = true;
    if (std.ascii.isDigit(char)) has_number = true;

return has_letter and has_number;


The standard library is really readable in zig. I recently used std.crypto in a project and these places in the lib were useful:

For the definitions and structure:

For examples of using all of the different algorithms:

Thank you for prompt with the useful link. That’s trumandous.
Here is the output from the test:
Password requirements:

  • Length: 4-128 characters
  • Must contain letters and numbers
    Enter password: !(1DEJ6L%#W3Gh!00NEzv&$1*^7#@U%6
    Hashed Password (SHA-256): d7f4fe4a0c47681cb95076a48c478ca51e4ce2f25bdfa890980f54618cac1daf