I was going to start with a very basic program to learn functions and error handling but am stuck on the most basic thing and can’t seem to get past it. I have looked up other examples that look exactly like my code and supposedly work, but my program doesn’t. Could someone please help? I also tried to declare the function parameter as a const but get other error message when I do that.
I think my largest problem with zig atm is the compiler isn’t very helpful when reporting errors. This program gives main.zig:6:10: error: expected type ‘u8’, found ‘*const [5:0]u8’
/home/jud/zig/lib/std/fmt.zig:632:21: error: cannot format slice without a specifier (i.e. {s} or {any})
@compileError("cannot format slice without a specifier (i.e. {s} or {any})");
Which tells you you need to provide the specifier for string.
I encourage you to take your time with the compiler and try to reason about what it’s telling you.
In both cases it more or less points to your problem.
I hope my post encourages you to continue to program in Zig should you find it enjoyable. Prepare yourself for more interactions with the compiler like this though.
And yes a string is usually depicted as just a slice of u8 when using zig. A string literal is a special string though and it gets a const. See this for more
If you wanted an example of a non const “string” in zig you can do array list things. (not that this really makes sense I’m just giving you and example)
const std = @import("std");
fn Test(name: []u8) void {
std.debug.print("hello {s}\n", .{name});
pub fn main() !void {
var buffer: [1024]u8 = undefined;
var FBA = std.heap.FixedBufferAllocator.init(&buffer);
// some non const array of u8
var example: std.ArrayList(u8) = std.ArrayList(u8).init(FBA.allocator());
try example.appendSlice("Smith");
Thank you. Now that I know what to look for I’ll pay more attention. I had changed my function to receive a const but the second error didn’t provide a line number and I missed the fact that I needed the “s” inside the print.