Need help getting zls working in CLion IDE

UPDATE: problem solved. The issue seemed to have been that CLion didn’t recognize the zls path even though it was set. Upon restarting computer, CLion now recognizes the path and correctly started zls. Seems to be a CLion IDE problem rather than anything else.

Hello, folks! Disclaimer: this is a copy of my post from the Discord Server.

I’m just starting out with Zig and I’m using ZLion IDE for this, using the plugin ZigBrains to allow creating Zig projects and having the zig language server available.
The problem is that I can’t seem to get the zls to work, as there is no code highlighting as one would expect. I followed the ZigBrains plugin setup-guide, which includes information about how to set the path to the zls executable:

Quick setup guide for Zig and ZLS

  1. Download the latest version of Zig from Download ⚡ Zig Programming Language
  2. Download and compile the ZLS language server, available at GitHub - zigtools/zls: A Zig language server supporting Zig developers with features like autocomplete and goto definition
  3. Go to Settings → Languages & Frameworks → Zig, and point the Toolchain Location and ZLS path to the correct places

The language itself works, as I am able to run it successfully (default generated project). However, the zls doesn’t seem to be active.
The steps I took to install zls were the following:
tar xf zls-x86_64-linux.tar.xz.1
mv zls ~/.local/share/

I have my local share folder added to my .zshrc path. Ensuring zls installation on machine ensured as zls --version prints 0.13.0 to the terminal.

When following the ZigBrains plugin setup-guide (mentioned above), I correctly put the executable path to /home/fretry/.local/bin/zls,
which his where I put the binary file. Pointing to the zls directory does not seem to have an affect, as pointing it elsewhere doesn’t change anything.

If anyone has experience with writin Zig in CLion or another JetBrains IDE, please let me know what I’m doing wrong.

Thanks for your time!