Today, I had code where a function returns an id for something and a pointer. I just wanted to quickly return two values without fuss.
I initially wrote something like:
fn get() std.meta.Tuple(&.{ThingId, *Thing}) {
return .{123, &moo};
Then, crossing my fingers
fn foo() {
if (get()) |id, thing| {
bar(id, thing);
error: expected '|', found ','
The closest I can have with tuples is the ugly:
fn foo() {
if (get()) |elems| {
bar(elems[0], elems[1]);
So, I ended up with the clear, but verbose
const IdentifiedThing = struct {
id: ThingId,
thing: *Thing,
fn get() ?IdentifiedThing {
return .{.id = 123, .thing = &moo};
fn foo() {
if (get()) |idthing| {
bar(, idthing.thing);
I wonder if this capture syntax has been considered. I realise that for
is unusual in that it can have multiple conditions so deserves multiple captures, but that’s what made me think it might be valid.
I guess that the counter argument is that if the tuple elements had the same type, then it would be too easy to swap the elements accidentally?