Move raw bytes into arraylist

I have an arraylist of structs, which are 10 bytes each.
I saved this arraylist to file using sliceAsBytes.
Now I would like to read the file back into my arraylist. Is that possible?

I implemented the same idea recently (store and load arraylist to file).
Idea is

  • resize arraylist to appropriate size
  • get slice of arraylist’s memory and cast it to bytes using sliceAsBytes.
  • use reader to read into slice of bytes
  • profit
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There is also simpler option (if you storing just one array in file) to use bytesAsSlice on the file content to get slice of your type. And then use std.array_list.ArrayListAligned.fromOwnedSlice


Ah yes thanks. I got it working. I was on the right path but made a stupid mistake.
Now check if I can read directly from file instead of bytes reading and than copying… I think your suggestion will help.

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