lld-link: could not open 'libuuid.a'/'libMSVCRT.a'/'libOLDNAMES.a': No such file or directory

this is probably a noob question but as the title suggests whenever I try to build I get these errors, however I’m not trying to link them either, this is my build.zig file, what is the issue here

const std = @import("std");

// The build function configures the build process for the Mordred-Engine project.
pub fn build(b: *std.Build) void {
    // Create an executable target with the name "Mordred-Engine"
    // The main source file is located at "src/main.zig"
    // The target platform is the host platform.
    const exe = b.addExecutable(.{
        .name = "Mordred-Engine",
        .root_source_file = b.path("src/main.zig"),
        .target = b.host,

    // Define the path to the GLEW library and its headers
    const GLEW_Path = b.path("dependencies/GLEW/glew-2.1.0/lib/");
    const GLEW_Headers = b.path("dependecies/GLEW/glew-2.1.0/include");

    // Add the GLEW headers to the include path
    // Link the GLEW library by adding it to the library path


    // Define the path to the GLFW library and its headers
    const GLFW_Path = b.path("dependencies/GLFW/lib-vc2022/");
    const GLFW_Headers = b.path("dependencies/GLFW/include/");


    // Add the GLFW headers to the include path
    // Link the GLFW library by adding it to the library path


    // Mark the executable as an installable artifact

If the library has a suffix of .a, it may be the reason that you are compiling to Linux/macos target while you are actually targeting windows. For windows, the suffix should be .lib.

Also, the library is probably from the dependency, you should pass the target info to dependencies.

Question, are you compiling on windows with msys2 or something, it looks like that you are trying to link compiled artifact directly. It won’t work if you are cross compiling windows on Linux.