v0.3.0 adds a zero error encoding api by encoding types with compile-time known bounded encoded lengths into a std.BoundedArray
Enjoy the bliss of zero errors!!!
test "basic example bounded" {
const CustomerComplaint = struct {
user_id: u64,
status: enum(u8) {
// look mom! no errors!
const expected: CustomerComplaint = .{ .user_id = 2345, .status = .reviewed };
const slice: []const u8 = lizpack.encodeCustomBounded(expected, .{}).slice();
try std.testing.expectEqual(expected, lizpack.decode(@TypeOf(expected), slice));
It also continues my ruthless abuse of generics / reflection!
/// Returns longest possible length of MessagePack encoding for type T.
/// Raises compile error for unbounded types (slices).
pub fn largestEncodedSize(comptime T: type, format_options: FormatOptions(T)) usize {
return switch (@typeInfo(T)) {
.bool => 1, // see Spec, bools are one byte
.int => switch (@typeInfo(T).int.signedness) {
.unsigned => switch (@typeInfo(T).int.bits) {
0...7 => 1, // pos fix int
8 => 2, // uint 8
9...16 => 3, // uint 16
17...32 => 5, // uint 32
33...64 => 9, // uint 64
else => unreachable, // message pack supports only up to 64 bit ints
.signed => switch (@typeInfo(T).int.bits) {
0...8 => 2, // int 8 TODO: optimize using pos/neg fix int?
9...16 => 3, // int 16,
17...32 => 5, // int 32
33...64 => 9, // int 64
else => unreachable, // message pack supports only up to 64 bit ints
.float => switch (@typeInfo(T).float.bits) {
32 => 5, // f32
64 => 9, // f64
else => unreachable, // message pack supports only 32 and 64 bit floats
.array => switch (@typeInfo(T).array.child) {
u8 => switch (format_options) {
.bin, .str => 5 + @typeInfo(T).array.len, // TODO: don't assume bin_32 and str_32
.array => 5 + 2 * @typeInfo(T).array.len, // TODO: don't assume array_32
else => 5 + @typeInfo(T).array.len * largestEncodedSize(@typeInfo(T).array.child, format_options),
.optional => largestEncodedSize(@typeInfo(T).optional.child, format_options),
.vector => 5 + largestEncodedSize(@typeInfo(T).vector.child, format_options) * @typeInfo(T).vector.len, // TODO: don't assume array_32
.@"struct" => switch (format_options.layout) {
.map => blk: {
var size: usize = 5; // TODO: don't assume map_32
inline for (comptime std.meta.fields(T), comptime std.meta.fields(@TypeOf(format_options.fields))) |field, field_option| {
size += 5 + field.name.len; // TODO: don't assume str_32
size += largestEncodedSize(field.type, @field(format_options.fields, field_option.name));
break :blk size;
.array => blk: {
var size: usize = 5; // TODO: don't assume array_32
inline for (comptime std.meta.fields(T), comptime std.meta.fields(@TypeOf(format_options.fields))) |field, field_option| {
size += largestEncodedSize(field.type, @field(format_options.fields, field_option.name));
break :blk size;
.@"enum" => switch (format_options) {
.str => blk: {
comptime assert(@typeInfo(T).@"enum".is_exhaustive); // TODO: only exhaustive enums supported
break :blk 5 + largestFieldNameLength(T); // TODO: don't assume str_32
.int => blk: {
const TagInt = @typeInfo(T).@"enum".tag_type;
break :blk largestEncodedSize(TagInt, void{});
.@"union" => switch (format_options.layout) {
.map => blk: {
const size: usize = 1; // assumes fixmap
var largest_field_size: usize = 0;
inline for (std.meta.fields(T), std.meta.fields(@TypeOf(format_options.fields))) |field, field_option| {
const field_size: usize = 5 + field.name.len + largestEncodedSize(field.type, @field(format_options.fields, field_option.name)); // TODO: don't assume str_32
if (field_size > largest_field_size) {
largest_field_size = field_size;
break :blk size + largest_field_size;
.active_field => blk: {
var largest_field_size: usize = 0;
inline for (std.meta.fields(T), std.meta.fields(@TypeOf(format_options.fields))) |field, field_option| {
const field_size = 5 + field.name.len + largestEncodedSize(field.type, @field(format_options.fields, field_option.name)); // TODO: don't assume str_32
if (field_size > largest_field_size) {
largest_field_size = field_size;
break :blk largest_field_size;
.pointer => switch (@typeInfo(T).pointer.size) {
.One => largestEncodedSize(@typeInfo(T).pointer.child),
else => @compileError("type: " ++ @typeName(T) ++ " not supported."),
else => @compileError("type: " ++ @typeName(T) ++ " not supported."),