I have an empty project where I wanted to add the dbus lib and play around a little bit.
In my understanding it should be possible to add c libraries to zig. Unfortunately I get an error when compiling and as there is not really an error message I have a hard time finding out what to do. Maybe someone can help me or show me what I am doing wrong.
Right now my main.zig just looks like this:
const std = @import("std");
const dbus = @cImport({
pub fn main() !void {
const err: dbus.DBusError = undefined;
const conn: *dbus.DBusConnection = undefined;
_ = err;
_ = conn;
When I run this command:
zig build-exe -dynamic src/main.zig -lc -ldbus-1 -I/usr/include/dbus-1.0 -I/usr/lib/dbus-1.0/include
I get the following error:
[1] 10569 trace trap (core dumped) zig build-exe -dynamic src/main.zig -lc -ldbus-1 -I/usr/include/dbus-1.0
I also used the build.zig file with addSystemLibrary which also fails.
Thanks in advance for any help.
July 2, 2024, 11:18am
There is no need for the -dynamic
I could build and run the following:
const dbus = @cImport({
pub fn main() !void {
_ = dbus;
in debian with the flags: -lc -ldbus-1 -I /usr/include/dbus-1.0 -I /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dbus-1.0/include
Thanks a lot. I am on arch and unfortunately it does not work.
I can compile c code with gcc. Is there a way to get more error output from the build?
The problem is that DBusError struct definition have bit fields that zig cInclude cannot handle.
In the following code I am defining a DBusError with the same memory layout as in dbus/dbus-errors.h and cast to the opaque pointer that cInclude defines for DBusError.
const std = @import("std");
const dbus = @cImport({
const DBusError = extern struct {
name: [*c]const u8,
message: [*c]const u8,
dummy: isize,
padding: *opaque {},
pub fn main() !void {
var buf: DBusError = undefined;
const err: *dbus.DBusError = @ptrCast(&buf);
const conn = dbus.dbus_bus_get(dbus.DBUS_BUS_SESSION, err);
_ = conn; // autofix
if (dbus.dbus_error_is_set(err) != 0) {
std.debug.print("{s}\n", .{std.mem.span(buf.message)});
// do not close shared DBUS_BUS_SESSION
// defer dbus.dbus_connection_close(conn);
okay this might be a future error. I still cannot build it. I still get the core dump even without the dynamic flag
Okay thanks a lot. I got it wrong with the dbus. I did not realize that your code example was different from mine. But you directly add the
_ = dbus;
and it compiles now.
Is there somewhere resources where i can read up on how cInclude works and what it can handle and what not?
Zig Reference - C section
is using the zig translate-c
under the hood.
The Translation failures subsection in the Zig Reference C section.
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