Issues with gitlab and the package manager

hello, im having issues related to the package management:

when running:

zig fetch --save

i get this error:

error: unable to connect to server: TlsInitializationFailed

im on windows 11 with zig 0.14.0-dev.1951+857383689 if that helps

have a good day!

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Zig’s stdlib only supports some versions of TLS (1.1 I believe). You are probably trying to connect to a site that requires a higher version. This is a known limitation and there are of course plans to overcome it, but I don’t know what the plans are exactly.

Hello @prettypeasant
welcome to ziggit :slight_smile:

It is a 0.14.0-dev bug.

You can use zig 0.13.0 to fetch the dependency.
You must also add a name after save flag (--save=package-name) because there is no build.zig.zon that specifies the package name.

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If this is true, has it been reported? A search for gitlab turns up nothing.

EDIT: Maybe std.http.Client: unable to establish tls connection to cloudflare servers · Issue #21747 · ziglang/zig · GitHub ?

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also maybe

It is a regression and IP address is owned by Cloudflare. Yes, it sounds like #21747

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Using zig version 0.14.0-dev.2198+e5f5229fd it works.
#21747 is resolved.

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