I’m trying to find an easy way to get the type of func
that would go into @call(.auto, func, args)
. For fixed size args, I could probably use fn (@TypeOf(args[0]), @TypeOf(args[1])) void
, but how do I do it for generic Args
tuple? The only way I can think if is to build type type using std.builtin.Type.Fn
but that gets super verbose. Is there an easier way to do it?
The source code to std.fmt.format is a good guide to how to do type reflection on an anytype
args tuple.
It is not clear to me what you are trying to do.
You can use std.meta.ArgsTuple
to get the function arguments tuple type.
const F = @TypeOf(func);
const T = std.meta.ArgsTuple(F);
// var args: T = ...;
const ti = @typeInfo(F).Fn; // 0.13.0
// const ti = @typeInfo(F).@"fn"; // 0.14.0-dev
inline for (ti.params) |param| {
const PT = param.type.?;
// ...
@call(.auto, func, args);
I want to define a generic struct based on Args
tuple, that contains an instance of the args tuple and a function pointer that receives the args tuple.
Here is the snippet what I’m trying to achieve:
pub fn Callback(comptime Caller: type, comptime Args: type) type {
return struct {
args: Args,
func: *const fn (*Caller, <somehow expand Args here>) void,
pub fn call(self: @This(), caller: *Caller) void {
@call(.auto, self.func, .{caller} ++ self.args);
The thing is, i don’t know how to define the function pointer type. Any example of such closures that I look for in the std
, such std.Thread.Pool
, just uses anonymous struct and the function is just anytype
I know I can somehow construct the type using std.builtin.Type
, but I wondered if there is an easier way.
I think it depends on how you want to use this type and what you can provide as parameters to Callback
, here I created 2 solutions the first constructs the type with @Type
, the second instead expects you to provide the function pointer type to Callback
and then extracts all the needed type information from that function pointer type:
const std = @import("std");
const Example = struct {
a: u32,
pub fn something(self: *Example, b: u32, c: u32) void {
self.a += b + c;
pub fn Fn(comptime Caller: type, comptime Args: anytype) type {
var params: [1 + Args.len]std.builtin.Type.Fn.Param = undefined;
params[0] = .{
.is_generic = false,
.is_noalias = false,
.type = *Caller,
for (Args, 1..) |T, i| {
params[i] = .{
.is_generic = false,
.is_noalias = false,
.type = T,
return @Type(.{ .Fn = .{
.calling_convention = .Unspecified,
.is_generic = false,
.is_var_args = false,
.return_type = void,
.params = ¶ms,
} });
pub fn FnPtr(comptime Caller: type, comptime Args: anytype) type {
return @Type(.{ .Pointer = .{
.size = .One,
.is_const = true,
.is_volatile = false,
.alignment = 1,
.address_space = .generic,
.child = Fn(Caller, Args),
.is_allowzero = false,
.sentinel = null,
} });
pub fn ArgsTuple(comptime Args: anytype) type {
var types: [Args.len]type = undefined;
for (Args, 0..) |a, i| types[i] = a;
return std.meta.Tuple(&types);
pub fn Callback(comptime Caller: type, comptime Args: anytype) type {
return struct {
args: ArgsTuple(Args),
// func: *const fn (*Caller, <somehow expand Args here>) void,
func: FnPtr(Caller, Args),
pub fn call(self: @This(), caller: *Caller) void {
@call(.auto, self.func, .{caller} ++ self.args);
pub fn main() !void {
var example: Example = .{ .a = 4 };
const SomethingCallback = Callback(Example, .{ u32, u32 });
const something_cb: SomethingCallback = .{
.args = .{ 7, 11 },
.func = &Example.something,
std.debug.print("example before: {}\n", .{example});
std.debug.print("example after: {}\n", .{example});
var example: Example = .{ .a = 4 };
const SomethingCallback = EasyCallback(@TypeOf(&Example.something));
const something_cb: SomethingCallback = .{
.args = .{ 7, 11 },
.func = &Example.something,
std.debug.print("example before: {}\n", .{example});
std.debug.print("example after: {}\n", .{example});
pub fn EasyCallback(comptime FuncPtr: type) type {
return struct {
args: ArgsFromFuncPtr(FuncPtr),
func: FuncPtr,
pub fn call(self: @This(), caller: CallerFromFuncPtr(FuncPtr)) void {
@call(.auto, self.func, .{caller} ++ self.args);
pub fn ArgsFromFuncPtr(comptime FuncPtr: type) type {
const child = std.meta.Child(FuncPtr);
const info = @typeInfo(child);
const params = info.Fn.params;
const len = params.len;
if (len < 1) @compileError("functions need to have at least one parameter");
var types: [len - 1]type = undefined;
for (1..len) |i| types[i - 1] = params[i].type.?;
return std.meta.Tuple(&types);
pub fn CallerFromFuncPtr(comptime FuncPtr: type) type {
const child = std.meta.Child(FuncPtr);
const info = @typeInfo(child);
const params = info.Fn.params;
const len = params.len;
if (len < 1) @compileError("functions need to have at least one parameter");
return params[0].type.?;
This is really awesome. Thank you very much!
You can pass the function as anytype
parameter in Callback
pub fn Callback(comptime Caller: type, comptime func: anytype, comptime Args: std.meta.ArgsTuple(func)) type {
return struct {
args: Args,
pub fn call(self: @This(), caller: *Caller) void {
@call(.auto, func, .{caller} ++ self.args);
I can’t do this, because I don’t know the function at the time I’m setting up the struct that is holding the callback. I just know the signature (ArgsTuple), but not the actual function. The function can be runtime dynamic, but the signature is comptime static.
@Sze’s solution is perfect for my use case.