Inline asm

I wrote a Boyer Moore case insensitive string matcher but part of it is in sse4.2, and it seem the asm format has changed from the things I was reading online. Here’s basically the function I want make:

pat_uc and pat_lc are the upper and lowercased version of the pattern up to pat_len characters – never longer than 8. This compares them both to the beginning of text, or’s the masks together and returns them. (This is called when there is a prefix hit to quickly check the first few characters, on a miss it determines the miss index, and goes on with the BM matching algo or moves forward and does the next 8,

pub fn match_head(pat_uc:: [*]u8, pat_lc:[*], pat_len: u32, text:[]u8) u32 {
        mov     eax, pat_len
        mov     edx, text.len
        vlddqu  xmm2, pat_uc
        vlddqu  xmm3, pat_lc
        vlddqu  xmm1, text
        vpcmpestrm      xmm2, xmm1, $1000b
        vpcmpestrm      xmm3, xmm1, $1000b
        vpor    xmm0, xmm2, xmm3
        vmovq   rax, xmm0

I can’t figure out the syntax for the register allocation and everything.

Thread has a lot of assembly in it that you may find helpful to disect. Here’s a snippet:

        fn freeAndExit(self: *ThreadCompletion) noreturn {
            switch (target.cpu.arch) {
                .x86 => asm volatile (
                    \\  movl $91, %%eax
                    \\  movl %[ptr], %%ebx
                    \\  movl %[len], %%ecx
                    \\  int $128
                    \\  movl $1, %%eax
                    \\  movl $0, %%ebx
                    \\  int $128
                    : [ptr] "r" (@intFromPtr(self.mapped.ptr)),
                      [len] "r" (self.mapped.len),
                    : "memory"
                .x86_64 => asm volatile (
                    \\  movq $11, %%rax
                    \\  syscall
                    \\  movq $60, %%rax
                    \\  movq $1, %%rdi
                    \\  syscall
                    : [ptr] "{rdi}" (@intFromPtr(self.mapped.ptr)),
                      [len] "{rsi}" (self.mapped.len),
                .arm, .armeb, .thumb, .thumbeb => asm volatile (
                    \\  mov r7, #91
                    \\  mov r0, %[ptr]
                    \\  mov r1, %[len]
                    \\  svc 0
                    \\  mov r7, #1
                    \\  mov r0, #0
                    \\  svc 0
                    : [ptr] "r" (@intFromPtr(self.mapped.ptr)),
                      [len] "r" (self.mapped.len),
                    : "memory"
                .aarch64, .aarch64_be, .aarch64_32 => asm volatile (
                    \\  mov x8, #215
                    \\  mov x0, %[ptr]
                    \\  mov x1, %[len]
                    \\  svc 0
                    \\  mov x8, #93
                    \\  mov x0, #0
                    \\  svc 0
                    : [ptr] "r" (@intFromPtr(self.mapped.ptr)),
                      [len] "r" (self.mapped.len),
                    : "memory"
                .mips, .mipsel => asm volatile (
                    \\  move $sp, $25
                    \\  li $2, 4091
                    \\  move $4, %[ptr]
                    \\  move $5, %[len]
                    \\  syscall
                    \\  li $2, 4001
                    \\  li $4, 0
                    \\  syscall
                    : [ptr] "r" (@intFromPtr(self.mapped.ptr)),
                      [len] "r" (self.mapped.len),
                    : "memory"
                .mips64, .mips64el => asm volatile (
                    \\  li $2, 4091
                    \\  move $4, %[ptr]
                    \\  move $5, %[len]
                    \\  syscall
                    \\  li $2, 4001
                    \\  li $4, 0
                    \\  syscall
                    : [ptr] "r" (@intFromPtr(self.mapped.ptr)),
                      [len] "r" (self.mapped.len),
                    : "memory"
                .powerpc, .powerpcle, .powerpc64, .powerpc64le => asm volatile (
                    \\  li 0, 91
                    \\  mr %[ptr], 3
                    \\  mr %[len], 4
                    \\  sc
                    \\  li 0, 1
                    \\  li 3, 0
                    \\  sc
                    \\  blr
                    : [ptr] "r" (@intFromPtr(self.mapped.ptr)),
                      [len] "r" (self.mapped.len),
                    : "memory"
                .riscv64 => asm volatile (
                    \\  li a7, 215
                    \\  mv a0, %[ptr]
                    \\  mv a1, %[len]
                    \\  ecall
                    \\  li a7, 93
                    \\  mv a0, zero
                    \\  ecall
                    : [ptr] "r" (@intFromPtr(self.mapped.ptr)),
                      [len] "r" (self.mapped.len),
                    : "memory"
                .sparc64 => asm volatile (
                    \\ # SPARCs really don't like it when active stack frames
                    \\ # is unmapped (it will result in a segfault), so we
                    \\ # force-deactivate it by running `restore` until
                    \\ # all frames are cleared.
                    \\  1:
                    \\  cmp %%fp, 0
                    \\  beq 2f
                    \\  nop
                    \\  ba 1b
                    \\  restore
                    \\  2:
                    \\  mov 73, %%g1
                    \\  mov %[ptr], %%o0
                    \\  mov %[len], %%o1
                    \\  # Flush register window contents to prevent background
                    \\  # memory access before unmapping the stack.
                    \\  flushw
                    \\  t 0x6d
                    \\  mov 1, %%g1
                    \\  mov 1, %%o0
                    \\  t 0x6d
                    : [ptr] "r" (@intFromPtr(self.mapped.ptr)),
                      [len] "r" (self.mapped.len),
                    : "memory"