hello, i was wondering what the status is on zig docs: any plans, any roadmap?
today’s docs are fine and i don’t want to criticize
yet i think zig docs would greatly benefit using tools such as What is VitePress? | VitePress or gitbook.com, vuepress, or any other modern, developer-focused docs tool
they provide great, modern ux/ui: easy navigation with left and right panes, light/dark mode, fast and accurate search, and many other industry-standard features
the overall goal is to make devs get a better perception of the modernity and maturity of zig, while improving DX
Why not expand on the already implemented generator in the compiler?
Welcome to ziggit @nanocom. I know that there has been some discussion on updating the docs.
FWIW, I’m a manpage guy so what i think would be nice is a manpage generator from the docs. Personal taste, I don’t like the gitbook style. But it woudln’t make me stop using them.
By discussion, i mean in this forum. I don’t think Docs are top priority for the core zig team right now.