How to specify registers in inline asm?

I’m trying to wrap cpuid instruction. Something like this:

const CpuId = extern struct {
    a: u32,
    b: u32,
    c: u32, 
    d: u32

export fn cpuid(leaf: u32) CpuId {

    var a: u32 = undefined;
    var b: u32 = undefined;
    var c: u32 = undefined;
    var d: u32 = undefined;

    asm volatile(
        : [a]"=eax"(a),[b]"=ebx"(b),[c]"=ecx"(c),[d]"=edx"(d)
        : [id]"eax"(leaf)

    return .{ .a = a, .b = b, .c = c, .d = d };

But i get absolutely dumb assembly:

0000000000000000 <cpuid>:
   0:   c5 f9 6e c7             vmovd  %edi,%xmm0
   4:   0f a2                   cpuid
   6:   c5 f9 7e d9             vmovd  %xmm3,%ecx
   a:   c5 f9 7e ce             vmovd  %xmm1,%esi
   e:   c5 f9 7e d2             vmovd  %xmm2,%edx
  12:   c5 f9 7e c0             vmovd  %xmm0,%eax
  16:   48 c1 e6 20             shl    $0x20,%rsi
  1a:   48 c1 e1 20             shl    $0x20,%rcx
  1e:   48 09 f0                or     %rsi,%rax
  21:   48 09 ca                or     %rcx,%rdx
  24:   c3                      ret

So, how can i tell the compiler which registers cpuid uses for output?

It turned out to be much easier. It’s enough to use curly braces to explicitly tell the compiler to use the specified registers. I’m not sure if this is a 100% guarantee, but it works for me.

asm volatile(
    : [a]"={eax}"(a),[b]"={ebx}"(b),[c]"={ecx}"(c),[d]"={edx}"(d)
    : [id]"{eax}"(leaf)