Hey, I’m trying to add imlib2 to my project and I’m running into issues trying to compile. Here is the lines in my build.zig that I’m having issues with.
const imlib_dep = b.dependency("imlib2", .{
.target = target,
.optimize = optimize,
const imlib = imlib_dep.module("imlib2");
exe.root_module.addImport("imlib2", imlib);
Here is my build.zig.zon
.dependencies = .{
.zigx = .{
.url = "https://github.com/marler8997/zigx/archive/854457eebd5f8106b7f5e72edaad71c9bc1f23f5.tar.gz",
.hash = "122015319638676bf011816f83c25550bfd5dd55abb1ce3bd1a0b1dcb31b727f54da",
.imlib2 = .{
.url = "https://github.com/deepin-community/imlib2/archive/f549bce0a94f65f29809334b3a5efc96fd2c7aee.tar.gz",
.hash = "1220f784b38b675d4670d9afc8eceddcca8cf834bfb8bdd757241e7f46614cef8feb",
// more updated non-GitHub link and hash
//.url = "https://sourceforge.net/projects/enlightenment/files/imlib2-src/1.12.2/imlib2-1.12.2.tar.gz/download",
//.hash = "122058bccbe0f3d2af4715a0f488a48ccb0b33e25600bc4a6753c8c1d1688adc7df4",
.paths = .{
compiler error:
thread 21041 panic: unable to find module 'imlib2'
/usr/lib64/zig/9999/lib/std/Build.zig:1820:18: 0x1131337 in module (build)
panic("unable to find module '{s}'", .{name});
/home/wizard/fun/zig/learn/ziv/build.zig:26:35: 0x10e9bd9 in build (build)
const imlib = imlib_dep.module("imlib2");
/usr/lib64/zig/9999/lib/std/Build.zig:2079:33: 0x10cf283 in runBuild__anon_8755 (build)
.Void => build_zig.build(b),
/usr/lib64/zig/9999/lib/compiler/build_runner.zig:300:29: 0x10ca6c2 in main (build)
try builder.runBuild(root);
/usr/lib64/zig/9999/lib/std/start.zig:511:37: 0x10b2105 in posixCallMainAndExit (build)
const result = root.main() catch |err| {
/usr/lib64/zig/9999/lib/std/start.zig:253:5: 0x10b1c21 in _start (build)
asm volatile (switch (native_arch) {
Both links do not work and I also tried to use “” in the zon file but that didn’t help. I also tried zig build fetch
. Tried zig fetch --save "https://github.com/deepin-community/imlib2/archive/f549bce0a94f65f29809334b3a5efc96fd2c7aee.tar.gz"
and got:
error: unable to determine name; fetched package has no build.zig.zon file
same error with the sourceforge link as well.
tried some other things still no luck and still getting the same error:
.root = imlib_dep.path(""),
.files = &.{"imlib2.c"},
exe.installHeadersDirectory(imlib_dep.path(""), "", .{
.include_extensions = &.{"Imlib2.h"},
I also get the same error using 0.12.0.
Please let me know if I’m omitting important information.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!