I am using the master builds right now, is it no longer possible to use functions in anon structs for work around passing in scope to a deferred call?
pub fn php_raylib_vector3_get_properties(object: [*c]php.zend_object) callconv(.C) *php.HashTable {
const obj: *php_raylib_vector3_object = php_raylib_vector3_fetch_object(object);
const props: *php.HashTable = php.zend_std_get_properties(object);
// const hnd: ?*raylib_vector3_prop_handler = null;
const body = struct {
const Self = @This();
obj: *php_raylib_vector3_object,
props: *php.HashTable,
// hnd: ?*raylib_vector3_prop_handler,
pub fn iter(self: *Self, key: ?*php.zend_string, _: ?*anyopaque) void {
var ret: ?*php.zval = null;
var val_zval: php.zval = undefined;
ret = php_raylib_vector3_property_reader(self.obj, self.hnd, &val_zval);
if (ret == null) {
ret = &php.EG.uninitialized_zval;
php.zend_hash_update(self.props, key, ret);
.obj = obj,
.props = props,
// .hnd = null,
zend.ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_STR_KEY_PTR(obj.prop_handler, body.iter);
return props;
vector3.zig:192:9: error: expected type '*vector3.php_raylib_vector3_get_properties__struct_3227', found '*const vector3.php_raylib_vector3_get_properties__struct_3227'
body.iter(null, null);
vector3.zig:192:9: note: cast discards const qualifier
vector3.zig:176:27: note: parameter type declared here
pub fn iter(self: *Self, key: ?*php.zend_string, _: ?*anyopaque) void {
I see this proposal was accepted, but not yet implemented?