How to change var in comptime block?

I need a global variable that contains a simple (statically known size) tree of types. Here is how I originally did it:

const Type = enum {
    // ...

const Node = struct {
    self: Type,
    next: []const Node,

var tree: Node = Node{ .self = Type.Type, .next = &[_]Node{
    Node{ .self = Type.Int, .next = &[_]Node{
        Node{ .self = Type.Int32, .next = undefined },
        Node{ .self = Type.Int64, .next = undefined },
    } },
    Node{ .self = Type.Float, .next = undefined },
} };

pub fn main() !void {
    std.log.debug("{any}", .{tree});

Program gives the expected result:

debug: test.Node{ .self = test.Type.Type, .next = { test.Node{ .self = test.Type.Int, .next = { ... } }, test.Node{ .self = test.Type.Float, .next = { ... } } } }

Later on, I didn’t like the fact that I have to put all these struct initializers at the same time I define the tree. So I tried to do all the dirty stuff within the labeled block:

var tree: Node = blk: {
    var root = Node{ .self = Type.Type, .next = &[0]Node{} };

    // Integers
    var int = Node{ .self = Type.Int, .next = undefined };
    const int32 = Node{ .self = Type.Int32, .next = undefined };
    const int64 = Node{ .self = Type.Int64, .next = undefined }; = &[_]Node{ int32, int64 }; = ++ [1]Node{int};

    // Floats
    const float = Node{ .self = Type.Float, .next = undefined }; = ++ [1]Node{float};
    // ...

    // Other types
    // ...

    break :blk root;

Thankfully, it just worked as expected. Next, out of curiosity, I recalled that there is a comptime {} block, which should do the same “trick” as the labeled block did:

var tree: Node = undefined;
comptime {
    var root = Node{ .self = Type.Type, .next = &[0]Node{} };

    // Integers
    var int = Node{ .self = Type.Int, .next = undefined };
    const int32 = Node{ .self = Type.Int32, .next = undefined };
    const int64 = Node{ .self = Type.Int64, .next = undefined }; = &[_]Node{ int32, int64 }; = ++ [1]Node{int};

    // Floats
    const float = Node{ .self = Type.Float, .next = undefined }; = ++ [1]Node{float};
    // ...

    // Other types
    // ...

    tree = root;

However, this time the program did not compile:

src/test.zig:48:10: error: unable to evaluate comptime expression
    tree = root;
src/test.zig:48:5: note: operation is runtime due to this operand
    tree = root;

What’s the matter? It feels like I should be able somehow to init this tree var during the compilation.

I remember people were trying to do something similar:

var memory: [128]u8 = undefined;
comptime {
    // writing directly
    _ = try std.fmt.bufPrintZ(&memory, "{s}", .{"Hello world!"});

    // or using an allocator interface
    var fba = std.heap.FixedBufferAllocator.init(&memory);
    const alloc = fba.allocator();
    _ = try std.fmt.allocPrintZ(alloc, "{s}", .{"Hello world!"});

    // the former does the same thing as the latter anyway..

But this doesn’t compile either.

comptime {} and label: {} blocks aren’t interchangeable since labelled blocks are not enforcing compile-time execution. At compile-time you can neither heap-allocate or use pointers to runtime variables.

You can’t change runtime variables from withing a comptime block.

Luckily in your case there is a simple solution. You can just use a labelled comptime block:

var tree: Node = comptime blk: {
    break :blk root;

labelled blocks are not enforcing compile-time execution

That is strange. Why then the compiler complains about using comptime in front of it (as @IntegratedQuantum suggested):

var tree: Node = comptime blk: {


src/test.zig:29:18: error: redundant comptime keyword in already comptime scope

Could you give an example please?

Update. Never mind. I thought you were stating affirmatively. I missed the negating neither part.

That’s because global variable initialization is always done at compile time. So your old block already was executed at comptime.


Your first version looks more readable to me you also could drop a bunch of things that can be inferred from context:

const Node = struct {
    self: Type,
    next: []const Node = &.{}, // default value to avoid having to specify it

var tree = Node{ .self = .Type, .next = &.{
    .{ .self = .Int, .next = &.{
        .{ .self = .Int32 },
        .{ .self = .Int64 },
    } },
    .{ .self = .Float },
} };

I don’t like the names self and next, so I changed them, but this is subjective and may depend on more context.
You also could use helper functions to make it even shorter:

const Node2 = struct {
    type: Type,
    children: []const Node2 = &.{},

fn node(t: Type, c: []const Node2) Node2 {
    return .{ .type = t, .children = c };
fn leaf(t: Type) Node2 {
    return .{ .type = t };

var other_tree = node(.Type, &.{
    node(.Int, &.{