Generic Programming and anytype

What is anytype?

Zig enables users to parameterize functions with the use of the keyword anytype. This keyword, like its name suggests, allows the user to pass any type as a parameter that will then be deduced at comptime.

Using anytype

We’ll begin by making a function that can take anytype as a parameter.

pub fn foo(arg: anytype) void {
    // implementation details

// later ...

const bar: usize = 42;

foo(bar); // arg gets deduced as usize

const baz: isize = 42;

foo(baz); // arg gets deduced as isize

Due to type deduction, there will now be two separate versions of foo that get created - one for arg: usize and arg: isize.

The keyword anytype can also be used in interesting ways with member functions:

const MyType = struct {
    pub fn foo(_: anytype) void {
        std.debug.print("\nCalled Foo\n", .{});

pub fn main() !void {

    // foo's first argument is deduced as opaque.
    // We're calling it directly against the class.{});

    // the instance x of MyType calls foo as a member
    // function. This is equivalent to calling foo(&x).
    // anytype is deduced as `*const @This()`
    const x: MyType = .{};;

As we can see, anytype is a very powerful utility that acts as a catch-all for types provided to it.

Considerations when using anytype

Like most powerful things, it can be abused. Heavy reliance on anytype can make function declarations difficult to read, requiring the user to dig into function implementations to understand how a type is used. This is often referred to as duck typing. According to Wikipedia:

In computer programming, duck typing is an application of the 
duck test—"If it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck, then
it must be a duck"—to determine whether an object can be used
for a particular purpose. 

So what does this teach us about anytype? To answer this, we’ll summon the duck. Imagine you have a function that tries to save an object at some point. It accomplishes this by calling a save function on the object instance:

fn doStuffAndSave(obj: anytype) void {

    // do some stuff... important stuff probably...; // a wild duck appears!

Here we can see that doStuffAndSave assumes that obj has a save function. Fundamentally, doStuffAndSave treats obj like it’s a saveable object. Like most things, this has a cost and a benefit. The benefit is it allows us to quickly create types that need little to no introduction to be used. This comes at a cost of readability.

However, this does not imply that anytype should not be used - rather, it should be used strategically.

Alternatives to anytype

Partial Specialization

To understand our options better, let’s look at the declaration of the eql function in the standard library:

pub fn eql(comptime T: type, a: []const T, b: []const T) bool

Here, we can see that equal takes a parameter T that denotes a type. Then, T is propogated to the arguments a and b. Suppose we pass u8 as the first argument. This implies:

T -> u8
a: []const T -> a: []const u8 
b: []const T -> b: []const u8

This clarifies the fact that eql expects two slices of some type T. In the example of eql, it is relatively painless to specify what T is and since it always expects slices, there’s no need to specify that a or b could be any type.

Interface Types

Let’s build an interface type that can act as an intermediary for our savable object using function pointers and *anyopaque.

const SaveInterface = struct {
    // pointer to the saveable object
    obj_ptr: *anyopaque,

    // pointer to the object's save function
    func_ptr: *const fn (ptr: *anyopaque) void,
    // member function that calls the func_ptr on the obj_ptr
    pub fn save(self: SaveInterface) void {

const MyObject = struct {
    // probably a lot of data members...
    // ...

    // our save function takes in an anyopaque pointer
    // and casts it back to our MyObject type
    pub fn saveMyObject(ptr: *anyopaque) void {
        const self: *MyObject = @ptrCast(@alignCast(ptr));

        // implementation of our save function...

    pub fn saveable(self: *MyObject) SaveInterface {
        return SaveInterface{
            // our self pointer
            .obj_ptr = self,
            // pointer to our save function
            .func_ptr = saveMyObject,

Now, let’s modify our doStuffAndSave function to take in a SaveInterface:

pub fn doStuffAndSave(obj: SaveInterface) void {
    // really important stuff... I swear...;

And now it can be used like this:

var obj: MyObject = .{};


This pattern is quite common in Zig - in fact, this technique is used in the Allocator interface.

Best practices with anytype

The examples provided above give us alternatives to anytype, but are they strictly better? As all things go, everything has its tradeoffs. We can see the boilerplate that anytype saves us from having to write. At the same time, what might be called boilerplate by some can also be called specificity by others. Here’s a few tips to use anytype wisely:

  • Always use good variable names. Our example of obj was meant to demonstrate how much information can get lost when going off of type deduction alone.

  • Prefer to use anytype where functions can be assessed quickly and the type requirements are not hard to find. Avoid making long chains of anytype that requires one to dig through many layers to assess what kind of duck we’re dealing with.

  • Consider the alternatives. For a single type, an interface can be annoying but it can scale well and reduce the amount of comptime deduction that’s necessary. Likewise, if your function genuinely expects types of a specific character (like eql), then consider partial specialization instead.


Use of @This is not necessary; use SaveInterface and MyObject instead.

I remember reading a document stating that this use of @This is discouraged.


In this context, we don’t need to use the builtin. No objection - feel free to edit the article (if you can’t, I can adjust it) :slight_smile:

A couple caveats…

I will say that the use of @This() is not a hard-and-fast rule. Take a look at the std.mem.Allocator file. It’s not a generic type, but it’s a file struct that defines const Allocator = @This(). For that sort of struct, you can’t name the struct because it is the file itself so @This() is helpful.

Also, for types that are being returned from functions (such as ArrayList), @This() is used. It is used to declare const Self = @This() as the struct is being returned directly.

In the case you’re presenting, I have no objection. But the @This() builtin is not discouraged in general. I just don’t want people to read that and think they have to avoid the builtin.

Indeed I should have added in this context, since the current text is misleading.

Thanks for the clarification.

And for the edit, IMHO it is better if you update it. What happens if two people concurrently edit the same post?

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Great question - and I appreciate your suggestion and effort to help our Docs be the best that they can be.

We tested simultaneous edits it and it just produces a user error on one of the two ends. It’s relatively safe tbh.

If you want me to edit it, I can, but I encourage community members to throw in their own two cents - either way, I’ll get that put in tomorrow when I’m at my main computer. :slight_smile:

That said, I encourage you to edit it! You’ll make @dude_the_builder happy because he put in a lot of work getting the community wiki stuff figured out :laughing:

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Great question - and I appreciate your suggestion and effort to help our Docs be the best that they can be.

We tested simultaneous edits it and it just produces a user error on one of the two ends. It’s relatively safe tbh.

Good to know. I will update the code.

I’m at my main computer. I have a new rule that I don’t post things without compiling them first (made that mistake too many times, lol) :slight_smile:

I hope in future there will be a good Zig playground, with support for multiple files (like in Go playground with txtar - txtar package - - Go Packages).

A couple of questions:

Is it correct to call this process monomorphization? (I saw this term a long time ago in some Rust docs)
Is it correct to say that Zig has two forms of parametric polymorphism (anytype and comptime T: type)?

For the record, my understanding of monomorphization is when a generic function gets instantiated as sepereate function instantiations of specific forms. So you go from a “polymorphic” thing to many “monomorphic” things (aka, we’re monomorphiz-ing).

Yes, that seems appropriate to me unless someone wants to object. In assembly, I can see two distinct versions of the following depending on what I call it with… in this case I’m using usize and u8:

pub fn foo(x: anytype) @TypeOf(x) {
    assert(0 < x); // do something
    return x;

According to godbolt, I get these two versions:


So we’re getting two monomorphic functions from the polymorphic function. Monomorphic again just means “has one form”.

For your second question… I’d have to look more into how type is implemented on a fundamental level. It seems to me that type is actually a kind of “type” specifically. In otherwords, I can’t say that comptime arg: type and pass it 42 - it only accepts types… so do we still consider that polymorphic?

Now, if you mean “it causes a function to become polymorphic” then we can do that with any comptime value, too.

pub fn foo(comptime i: usize, n: usize) usize {
    return if (comptime i < 42) (n + 1) else (n - 1);

If I pass foo(0, n) and then do foo(60, n), I get two anonymous functions (named the same as above incidentally), where one has an add instruction and the other has a sub instruction. So in this case, we get the same number of functions spawned without anytype or similar - just using comptime integers. In fact, regardless of what happens with the if statement, I can pass in foo(30, n) and get 3 functions (even though 30 and 0 will both evaluate to true).

So I guess I need to ask what do you mean by polymorphic parameter? Do you mean it causes functions to become polymorphic or that the parameter itself is polymorphic?


Well, T can theoretically be any type.
GIven this generic function

const std = @import("std");
const log = std.debug.print;

fn add_them(comptime T: type, a: T, b: T) T {
    return a + b;

pub fn main() void {
    const x = add_them(u8, 4, 5);
    log("{}\n", .{x});
    const y = add_them(f64, 4.0, 5.0);
    log("{}\n", .{y});

we have same result, two monomorphic variants:

$ objdump -t ct | grep add_them
0000000000234e20 l     F .text	000000000000004d ct.add_them__anon_3465
0000000000234f40 l     F .text	000000000000001c ct.add_them__anon_3468
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If we’re saying that it causes functions to be polymorphic, then sure, I’m in agreement with you.

I’d have to dig into the implementation to have a stronger opinion, but I’m happy to pick up this conversation in a new thread after I’ve looked into it for a bit. I have a few reservations about that, but practically speaking I think we’re on the same page.

t we would consider *anyopaque

Some smart people say that type erase/restore with generic pointers is not (technically) (ad-hoc) polymorphysm, since the content of a pointer remains the same, we just instruct compiler to treat pointed-to data as “something”.

I have updated the code, and also fixed a bug with
func_ptr: *const fn (ptr: *anyopaque)
where the return type was missing.

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EDIT: typo

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