Example PHP Extension (PECL) Written In Zig

Mateusz Charytoniuk did this first, but I’ve went a bit further and recomposed the macros for the parameter parsing system that PHP internals uses that only use C macros. Once I get the macros translate and stable I’ll move that part into it’s own repo. I am looking into moving my Raylib-PHP extension into Zig: GitHub - joseph-montanez/raylib-php: PHP 8 Bindings to raylib which is 40,000+ lines of C code, albeit its autogenerated from a system I was creating.

I did provide a very superficial benchmark, basically Zig is not as fast as C (depends) and takes a bit more memory but I’ve done nothing to optimized anything about the code base, its just Zig out of the box.

1,000,000,000 (One Billion) iterations of a string reverse

Version Time (secs) (Linux x64) Time (%) (Linux) Time (secs) (macOS aarch64) Time (%) (macOS)
PHP’s strrev 11.95 0% slower 26.61 11% slower
Zig ReleaseFast 12.36 3.46% slower 24.58 2% slower
C 03 Optimization 14.14 18.35% slower 23.96 0%
C 02 Optimization 14.63 22.45% slower 24.24 1% slower
Zig ReleaseSafe 15.77 32.04% slower 29.83 24% slower
Pure PHP 145.90 1120.96% slower 280.36 1070% slower

Before I’ll commit to my migration from C to Zig for my PHP extension, I have to get this compiling on Windows as well, since that’s my core usage. Linux and macOS work fine.

Now I’ve had a lot of problem getting even Zig’s C-Interop to work, in fact I have a patch file to patch the php-src because Zig runs into indefinite loops and conditionals causes problems with double returns (it creates invalid zig code itself). That excludes code that crashes as its trying to convert C into Zig and there are edge cases. This should not be Zig’s issue, it’s just php-src inlines so much source code in header files!

I started this Friday night… its 2am Monday, sooOoOo lets just say I am intrigued…