Errdefer scoped to the parent block

Like defer, errdefer is scoped to the block it is defined.

However, unlike defer, there are cases where this turns out to be quite a bit of a footgun that requires careful coding around. It is all documented somewhat extensively but the ergonomics of the current situation are, I think, rather lacking.

One situation that I run into very often is cleaning up after getOrPut on a hashmap:

const gop = try map.getOrPut(key);
errdefer if (!gop.found_existing) {
    _ = map.swapRemove(key);
if (!gop.found_existing) {
    gop.value_ptr.* = try SomeValue.init(allocator);
errdefer if (!gop.found_existing) {

Needless to say, this is very noisy and repetitive, and the triple-checking of the same condition in different contexts looks especially jarring.

Is there are any discussion about improving this situation? One way that I could see making things better would be to allow errdefer statement to be scoped to their parent blocks, e.g. through a syntax similar to labeled break:

const gop = try map.getOrPut(key);
gop: if (!gop.found_existing) {
    errdefer :gop _ = map.swapRemove(key);
    gop.value_ptr.* = try SomeValue.init(allocator);
    errdefer :gop gop.value_ptr.deinit();

Conceptually, it would be as though the errdefer :gop stanza placed the cleanup routine after the given label; in this case, it would precede the if and thus get executed only when the outer scope ends.

Since “outer scope” is commonly the entire function, we might also consider a way to attach errdefer to that top-level function scope from any nesting level using some kind of “label keyword” like :fn:

errdefer :fn _ = map.swapRemove(key);

There are likely issues with this approach (interaction with loops comes to mind), so I’m not sure how feasible it truly is. I’d hope some better solution to errdefer boilerplate does arrive in the language though, since right now even slightly non-trivial cases can easily get very complicated and verbose.

You could do it like this to put one of the errdefers into the condition:

const gop = try map.getOrPut(key);
if (!gop.found_existing) {
    errdefer _ = map.swapRemove(key);
    gop.value_ptr.* = try SomeValue.init(allocator);
errdefer if (!gop.found_existing) {

Other than that I guess I’d also suggest to rethink your architecture:

  • Can you maybe preallocate/reserve all the memory you need instead of allocating. If you have no trys in the function then you don’t need any errdefers.
  • If you have this pattern many times, then maybe you should use a helper function or helper data structure. It looks like you are trying to cache values, so why not add a Cache data structure that works like this:
fn getOrCreate(self: *Cache, key: K, init: anytype, params: anytype) !GetOrPutResult {
    const gop = try;
    if(!gop.found_existing) {
        errdefer _ =;
        gop.value_ptr.* = try @call(init, params);
    return gop;
const gop = try cache.getOrCreate(key, SomeValue.init, .{allocator});
errdefer if(!gop.found_existing) {

Why not try returning early?

const gop = try map.getOrPut(key);
if (gop.found_existing) return;
errdefer _ = map.swapRemove(key);

gop.value_ptr.* = try SomeValue.init(allocator);
errdefer gop.value_ptr.deinit();

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I proposed this awhile back and it was closed as “not planned”:

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