Dynamic string formatting?

According to https://zig.guide/standard-library/advanced-formatting/ strings can be formatted for example like this:

bufPrint(&b, "{s:_^6}", .{"hi!"})

However, this seems to require that the _ and 6 are constants.

Is there a way to change the fill character and the length dynamically? Something like in sprintf in C?

const std = @import("std");

fn print_str(str: []const u8, fill: u21, len: usize) !void {
    try std.fmt.formatText(str, "s", std.fmt.FormatOptions{
        .alignment = .center,
        .fill = fill,
        .width = len,
    }, std.io.getStdErr().writer());

pub fn main() !void {
    try print_str("hi!", '_', 6);

Something like this? It’s a little inconvenient but I see no other solution.


argument (position), width, and precision can be specified at runtime as named format arguments.
The fill character is specified only at comptime as part of the format string.


const std = @import("std");

pub fn main() void {
    std.debug.print("{[value]s:_^[width]}\n", .{
        .value = "hi",
        .width = 10,

prints: ____hi____


btw, in my opinion the documentation is not very clear about this feature (named format arguments not only for [argument])


It is not documented at all. It is discovered by digging in the code :slight_smile:


This is pretty cool hack!

However, how can I change the _? what if I wanted to use a fill with character that the user can choose?

It is not possible with named arguments, due to limitation in fmt.Placeholder.parse, I believe. It could be implemented, but will require parser fallback due to the optionality of [fill] and [alignment]. I see it as too complex to bother with, but maybe you should file an issue (or find one that explains why it’s like this).

I feel I’m so close, but my limited understanding of zig is still stopping me.

I loved the one line solution by dimdin. I could modify it to write into a buffer string:

_ = try std.fmt.bufPrint(&buf1, "{[left]s}{[title]s:_^[width]}{[right]s}\n", .{.left=[2]u8{s1,0}, .title=s, .width=c, .right=[2]u8{s0, 0},});

But as it turns out I cannot make the fill character dynamic.

Your solution, however, works with dynamic fill character. But I don’t understand how I can convert the print_str to print_buf so that I can store the formatted string. Because I am looking for a way to implement sprintf, not just printf.

Can you point me to the correct direction? :smiley:

convert the print_str to print_buf so that I can store the formatted string.

Adapt print_str to something like (std.fmt.bufPrint does almost the same):

const std = @import("std");
const fmt = std.fmt;
const io = std.io;

fn print_str(str: []const u8, fill: u21, len: usize, writer: anytype) !void {
    try fmt.formatText(str, "s", fmt.FormatOptions{
        .alignment = .center,
        .fill = fill,
        .width = len,
    }, writer);

fn print_str_buf(buf: []u8, str: []const u8, fill: u21, len: usize) ![]u8 {
    var stream = io.fixedBufferStream(buf);
    try print_str(str, fill, len, stream.writer());
    return stream.getWritten();

pub fn main() !void {
    var buf: [6]u8 = undefined;
    const str = try print_str_buf(&buf, "hi!", '_', buf.len);
    std.debug.print("{s}\n", .{str});
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Thanks a million, this works!