Decimal how to use very large decimal numbers as used in business management

Good morning,
A new project: how to use very large decimal numbers as used in business management.

First I went back to basics, IBM Fellow Mike Cowlishaw.
I made my debut in c++ for which I thank Richard Kaiser’s wow it goes back a long way. 1985 for C

For mpdecimal, I made the link with nim-lang it allowed me to do an excellent translation with zig-lang (the principles)

and I turned on the interrupts for errors

I find what can be done with OS400 (well, I did not put the powers that I have never used in management.)

It’s fast, simple and modifiable, for all management, statistics, etc.

It did me good, because my curse designer project, I will be able to take it up again with a fresh eye.

Certainly, there are shortcuts to be made in one or two functions, among others the formatted string output.

decimal 128 34 digit IEE754
decimal 256 70 digit
decimal 512 140 digit work managed bid industries or Bank

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