Cross compiling fails on QEMU + Docker


I am facing a very confusing issue with transpiling for aarch64 on x86_64 an .so I am building with Zig:

RUN zig build -Dcpu-arch=arm64 --summary all
Illegal instruction at address 0x1132dbc
/usr/lib/zig/std/zig/system/linux.zig:378:5: 0x1132dbc in detectNativeCpuAndFeatures (build)
 return asm ("mrs %[ret], " ++ feat_reg
 ???:?:?: 0x6 in ??? (???)

Unwind information for `???:0x6` was not available, trace may be incomplete

 error: the following build command crashed:
/dash0-init-container/.zig-cache/o/9113463d4c682793112c832addf67fad/build /usr/bin/zig /dash0-init-container /dash0-init-container/.zig-cache /root/.cache/zig --seed 0x53e0a585 -Z02f207386de8d26a -Dcpu-arch=arm64 --summary all

(Output cleaned for readability. The link to the failed build and the associated source code is here: feat(injector): zig-based injector · dash0hq/dash0-operator@e7f9199 · GitHub .)

The failure is the same whether I let the build system use for CpuModel .baseline, .native or the generic option:

var targetCpuArch = std.Target.Cpu.Arch.aarch64;
var targetCpuModel = std.Target.Cpu.Model.generic(std.Target.Cpu.Arch.aarch64);

if (b.option([]const u8, "cpu-arch", "The system architecture to compile the injector for; valid options are 'amd64' and 'arch64' (default)")) |val| {
    if (std.mem.eql(u8, "arm64", val)) {
        // Nothing to do
    } else if (std.mem.eql(u8, "amd64", val)) {
        targetCpuArch = std.Target.Cpu.Arch.x86_64;
        targetCpuModel = std.Target.Cpu.Model.generic(std.Target.Cpu.Arch.x86_64);
    } else {
        return error.UnsupportedArchitecturError;

const target = b.resolveTargetQuery(.{
    .cpu_arch = targetCpuArch,
    .cpu_model = .{ .explicit = targetCpuModel },
    .os_tag = .linux,

The .so is a pretty simple object: it is meant to run in containerized runtimes, and should not make any assumptions on CPU features beyond the minimum baseline found in common container runtimes.

Posted also as an issue on GitHub: GitHub · Where software is built
Apparently I should be using QEmu 9, but that anything above 8 is currently difficult to set up on GitHub actions (Docker images for QEMU 8.2.6, 9.0.2 and 9.1.0 · Issue #197 · tonistiigi/binfmt · GitHub)