I’m new to zig, and I ran into a problem on my first attempt to write a program. I just wanted to know how to create and write to a file and was exploring the documentation of the standard library, when I encountered a problem.Hopefully you can help me.
When running this I get a file “sample.txt” but the permissions are:
-rw-rw-r-- 1 fuhl fuhl 0 Jul 11 20:32 sample.txt
which corresponds to 0o664 not 0o666 like I requested in the source.
No matter what I try the “world” write permissions are always omitted. If I leave out the parameter the default value should be applied. According to the stdlib the default value ist 0o666 which corresponds to “-rw-rw-rw-”, but I get “-rw-rw-r–”
Is this my fault, or is there a problem with the stdlib? Sorry if I missed something obvious.
Btw.: I run the precompiled zig 0.12.0 x86_64 binary on Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS
Thank you for your answers.
However, that does not solve the problem. I know how to change permissions. The problem is that the createFile function does not work as specified. There is a bug in the standard library that needs to be fixed.
Maybe it’s not a bug. In the source file std/fs/File.zig I see this:
/// This is the default mode given to POSIX operating systems for creating
/// files. `0o666` is "-rw-rw-rw-" which is counter-intuitive at first,
/// since most people would expect "-rw-r--r--", for example, when using
/// the `touch` command, which would correspond to `0o644`. However, POSIX
/// libc implementations use `0o666` inside `fopen` and then rely on the
/// process-scoped "umask" setting to adjust this number for file creation.
pub const default_mode = switch (builtin.os.tag) {
.windows => 0,
.wasi => 0,
else => 0o666,