Confused about error

I am trying to play around with zig and have the following code:

    var p: u8 = 0;
    var temp: u8 = undefined;
    while ( i < ar.len ) : ( i += 1 ) {
        p = 0;
        while ( p < ar.len ) : ( p += 1 ) {
            if ( p == ar.len ){ break; }
            if (ar[p] > ar[p+1] {
                temp = ar[p+1]; //error here
                ar[p+1] = ar[p]; 
                ar[p] = temp;

The error says: expected a ‘,’ after initializer

I’m sure it is something simple but not getting it.



You forgot the closing parenthesis on the if

thanks, error had me looking in the wrong spot. :slight_smile:
