Compiler segfault

I was working on cross compiled ELF binary for ESP32 and managed to crash compiler on my x86-64 machine.
Zig v0.11 on FreeBSD 15-CURRENT.

zig build-exe esp32.elf Debug riscv32-freestanding-eabi: error: the following command terminated unexpectedly:
/usr/local/bin/zig build-exe /usr/home/johnny/esp32/zig-compiler-segfault/src/main.zig --cache-dir /usr/home/johnny/esp32/zig-compiler-segfault/zig-cache --global-cache-dir /home/johnny/.cache/zig --name esp32.elf -target riscv32-freestanding-eabi -mcpu generic_rv32+c+m --listen=-
Build Summary: 0/3 steps succeeded; 1 failed (disable with --summary none)
install transitive failure
└─ install esp32.elf transitive failure
   └─ zig build-exe esp32.elf Debug riscv32-freestanding-eabi failure
error: the following build command failed with exit code 1:
/usr/home/johnny/esp32/zig-compiler-segfault/zig-cache/o/d38675a4df95c6c71ea70b9bbcd68b1d/build /usr/local/bin/zig /usr/home/johnny/esp32/zig-compiler-segfault /usr/home/johnny/esp32/zig-compiler-segfault/zig-cache /home/johnny/.cache/zig

Even if my code is incorrect for compile time, it would be nice to have some printout where error might be.
I found this error with bisecting the code (commenting things until it compiles).

Here is minimal reproducer on Github
Is this worth a Github PR?

Probably not, cannot reproduce on master, so it seems fixed.