Chg 0.12 TO access the terminal?


this is not working, can you help me thank you.

	use_termios.iflag &= ~(os.linux.IGNBRK | os.linux.BRKINT | os.linux.PARMRK | os.linux.INPCK | os.linux.ISTRIP |
			os.linux.INLCR | os.linux.IGNCR | os.linux.ICRNL | os.linux.IXON);

The relative documentation is:


const iflags = use_termios.iflag;
iflags.IGNBRK = true;
iflags.BRKINT = true;
iflags.IXON = true;
use_termios.iflag = iflags;
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please[os.linux.V.MIN] = 1;

V is an enum, std.os.linux.V.MIN or std.posix.linux.V.MIN[@intFromEnum(std.os.linux.V.MIN)] = 1;
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Sorry to bother you, but I can’t find my terminal with the new functions

However, I have been doing terminal applications for 10 years…
sniff sniff

	// use_termios.iflag &= ~(os.linux.IGNBRK | os.linux.BRKINT | os.linux.PARMRK | os.linux.INPCK | os.linux.ISTRIP |
	//  		os.linux.INLCR | os.linux.IGNCR | os.linux.ICRNL | os.linux.IXON);
    var iflags = use_termios.iflag;
    iflags.IGNBRK = true;
    iflags.BRKINT = true;
    iflags.PARMRK = true;
    iflags.INPCK  = true;
    iflags.ISTRIP = true;
    iflags.INLCR  = true;
    iflags.IGNCR  = true;
    iflags.ICRNL  = true;
    iflags.IXON   = true;

    use_termios.iflag = iflags;

    // use_termios.oflag &= ~(os.linux.OPOST);
    var oflags = use_termios.oflag;
    oflags.OPOST = true;
    use_termios.oflag = oflags;

    // use_termios.cflag &= ~(os.linux.CSIZE | os.linux.PARENB);
    // use_termios.cflag |= (os.linux.CS8);
    var cflags = use_termios.cflag;
    cflags.CSIZE  = std.c.CSIZE.CS8;
    cflags.PARENB = true;
    use_termios.cflag = cflags;

    // use_termios.lflag &= ~(os.linux.ECHO | os.linux.ECHONL | os.linux.ICANON | os.linux.IEXTEN | os.linux.ISIG);
    var lflags = use_termios.lflag;
    lflags.ECHO   = true;
    lflags.ECHONL = true;
    lflags.ICANON = true;
    lflags.IEXTEN = true;
    lflags.ISIG   = true;
    use_termios.cflag = cflags;

work Linux

AND(&) (NOT(~) flags) clear the flags (false)
OR(|) set the flags (true)

The famous “copy-paste” error.
use_termios.cflag = cflags; instead of use_termios.lflag = lflags;

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I corrected this typo but I can’t find my terminal.
All my Linux applications no longer work

I found out, you had to set everything to false, I was scared lolll

you’re making me afraid with my old age lol

	//use_termios.iflag &= ~(os.linux.IGNBRK | os.linux.BRKINT | os.linux.PARMRK | os.linux.INPCK | os.linux.ISTRIP |
	//  		os.linux.INLCR | os.linux.IGNCR | os.linux.ICRNL | os.linux.IXON);
    var iflags = use_termios.iflag;
    iflags.IGNBRK = false;
    iflags.BRKINT = false;
    iflags.PARMRK = false;
    iflags.INPCK  = false;
    iflags.ISTRIP = false;
    iflags.INLCR  = false;
    iflags.IGNCR  = false;
    iflags.ICRNL  = false;
    iflags.IXON   = false;

    use_termios.iflag = iflags;

    // use_termios.oflag &= ~(os.linux.OPOST);
    var oflags = use_termios.oflag;
    oflags.OPOST = false;
    use_termios.oflag = oflags;

    // use_termios.cflag &= ~(os.linux.CSIZE | os.linux.PARENB);
    // use_termios.cflag |= (os.linux.CS8);
    var cflags = use_termios.cflag;
    cflags.CSIZE  = std.c.CSIZE.CS8;
    cflags.PARENB = false;
    use_termios.cflag = cflags;

    // use_termios.lflag &= ~(os.linux.ECHO | os.linux.ECHONL | os.linux.ICANON | os.linux.IEXTEN | os.linux.ISIG);
    var lflags = use_termios.lflag;
    lflags.ECHO   = false;
    lflags.ECHONL = false;
    lflags.ICANON = false;
    lflags.IEXTEN = false;
    lflags.ISIG   = false;
    use_termios.lflag = lflags;

Merci pour le dépannage, j’ai paniqué lolll

Thanks for the troubleshooting, I panicked lolll

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