Calling a function with a comptime function argument

I have a function in my struct (Map) like this (simplyfied):

pub fn any(self: Self, comptime compare: fn(src: u8) bool) bool
    // run through data and call compare until found.

and a compare function:

fn compare_something(src: u8) bool
    return src > 128;

and the call of any:

    const result: bool = my_map.any(compare_something);

which works.
but is this the best / fastest way to execute it this way?
I believe we cannot insert a ‘closure’ like function in Zig, can we?

You can use a struct to put the function inline.

const result: bool = my_map.any(struct {
    fn compare_something(src: u8) bool
    return src > 128;

But it can’t ingest lexical scope variables into function scope.
If you want to use it, you will need to pass contextual variable.

For instance:

pub fn any(self: Self, context: anytype, comptime compare: fn(context: anytype, src: u8) bool) bool
    // run through data and call compare until found.

I believe that you can remove the comptime and the result will be the same.

Ok. Both are more complicated, so I will keep it for now with the little extra function.

Another approach (duck typing)

const MyMap = struct {
    pub fn any(self: MyMap, comptime Context: type, context: Context) bool {
        comptime {
            // function spec
            std.debug.assert(std.meta.hasFn(Context, "compare"));
            std.debug.assert(@TypeOf( == fn (Context, u8) bool);

        _ = self;
        const v1 = 200;


const MyContext = struct {
    flag: bool,

    pub fn compare (self: MyContext, src: u8) bool {
        return self.flag and (src > 128);

pub fn main() !void {
    const m = MyMap{};
    const ctx = MyContext{.flag = false};
    const result = m.any(MyContext, ctx);

    std.debug.print("result: {}\n", .{result});