AoC 2024: Day 16

Main thread for Day 16 of the 2024 advent of code. Feel free to discuss the challenge and ask questions. If particular discussions become large, we can break them off into new threads.

Some Rules:

  1. Please try to keep spoilers within spoiler tags. This is done by typing [spoiler]text to be blurred[\spoiler]. If you have longer sections you can also use the [details=“Title”] tags.
  2. Have Fun

Day 16 Challenge



Previous days discussions

Day 1: AoC 2024: Day 1
Day 2: AoC 2024: Day 2
Day 3: AoC 2024: Day 3
Day 4: AoC 2024: Day 4
Day 5: AoC 2024: Day 5
Day 6: AoC 2024: Day 6
Day 7: AoC 2024: Day 7
Day 8: AoC 2024: Day 8
Day 9: AoC 2024: Day 9
Day 10: AoC 2024: Day 10
Day 11: AoC 2024: Day 11
Day 12: AoC 2024: Day 12
Day 13: AoC 2024: Day 13
Day 14: AoC 2023: Day 14
Day 15: AoC 2024: Day 15

My solution for part 1 does not work for my input, but the input of a friend. I don’t know which special case my maze triggers.

1 Like

Another BFS. The second part was a bit of a chore, but works quick enough.

Source: aoc2024/src/day16.zig at main · p88h/aoc2024 · GitHub



        parse   part1   part2   total
day 16: 68.5 µs  0.1 ms 15.4 µs  0.2 ms (+-1%) iter=1010

I made it harder than it was. luckily I already had all the information I needed for part 2 to work immediately.

Solution 1
const std = @import("std");

//const input = @embedFile("./tiny3.inp");
//const input = @embedFile("./small.inp");
//const input = @embedFile("./small2.inp");
const input = @embedFile("./big.inp");

const dir_t = enum(usize) { north, east, south, west };

const obj_t = enum { empty, wall, start, end };

fn smallest(arr: [4]usize) usize {
    var sm = arr[0];
    for (arr[1..]) |e| {
        if (e < sm) {
            sm = e;
    return sm;

const tile_t = struct {
    obj: obj_t,
    dist: usize,
    nrot: usize,
    score: [4]usize,

const maze_t = struct {
    nrows: usize,
    ncols: usize,
    start: [2]usize,
    end: [2]usize,
    score: usize,
    tiles: std.ArrayList(tile_t),

    const Self = @This();

    pub fn init(allocator: std.mem.Allocator) Self {
        const maze = Self{
            .nrows = undefined,
            .ncols = undefined,
            .start = undefined,
            .end = undefined,
            .score = undefined,
            .tiles = std.ArrayList(tile_t).init(allocator),
        return maze;

    pub fn deinit(self: *Self) void {
        self.nrows = undefined;
        self.ncols = undefined;
        self.start = undefined;
        self.end = undefined;
        self.score = undefined;
        _ = self.tiles.deinit();

    pub fn get_idx(self: Self, irow: usize, icol: usize) usize {
        return irow * self.ncols + icol;

    pub fn get_coord(self: Self, idx: usize) [2]usize {
        const icol = @mod(idx, self.ncols);
        const irow = @divExact(idx - icol, self.ncols);
        return [2]usize{ irow, icol };

    pub fn read(self: *Self, inputstr: []const u8) !void {
        var lines = std.mem.tokenizeScalar(u8, inputstr, '\n');

        var irow: usize = 0;
        self.nrows = 0;
        while ( |line| : (irow += 1) {
            self.nrows += 1;
            var object: obj_t = undefined;
            for (line, 0..) |char, icol| {
                const dist: usize = 0;
                const nrot: usize = 0;
                const score = [4]usize{ std.math.maxInt(usize), std.math.maxInt(usize), std.math.maxInt(usize), std.math.maxInt(usize) };
                switch (char) {
                    'S' => {
                        self.start = [2]usize{ irow, icol };
                        object = .start;
                    'E' => {
                        self.end = [2]usize{ irow, icol };
                        object = .end;
                    '#' => {
                        object = .wall;
                    '.' => {
                        object = .empty;
                    else => {
                try self.tiles.append(tile_t{ .obj = object, .dist = dist, .nrot = nrot, .score = score });
        self.ncols = self.tiles.items.len / self.nrows;

    pub fn print(self: Self) void {
        std.debug.print("\n", .{});
        std.debug.print("{d}x{d}\n", .{ self.nrows, self.ncols });
        for (0..self.nrows) |irow| {
            for (0..self.ncols) |icol| {
                const pos = self.get_idx(irow, icol);
                var char: u8 = undefined;
                switch (self.tiles.items[pos].obj) {
                    .wall => char = '#',
                    .start => char = 'S',
                    .end => char = 'E',
                    .empty => {
                        char = switch (smallest(self.tiles.items[pos].score)) {
                            18446744073709551615 => ' ',
                            else => '.',
                std.debug.print("{c}", .{char});
            std.debug.print("\n", .{});
    pub fn print_curr(self: Self, crow: usize, ccol: usize) void {
        std.debug.print("\n", .{});
        std.debug.print("{d}x{d}\n", .{ self.nrows, self.ncols });
        for (0..self.nrows) |irow| {
            for (0..self.ncols) |icol| {
                const pos = self.get_idx(irow, icol);
                var char: u8 = undefined;
                if (irow == crow and icol == ccol) {
                    char = 'O';
                } else {
                    switch (self.tiles.items[pos].obj) {
                        .wall => char = '#',
                        .start => char = 'S',
                        .end => char = 'E',
                        .empty => {
                            char = switch (smallest(self.tiles.items[pos].score)) {
                                18446744073709551615 => ' ',
                                else => '.',
                std.debug.print("{c}", .{char});
            std.debug.print("\n", .{});

    fn flood(self: *Self, irow: usize, icol: usize, dir: dir_t, nrot: usize, dist: usize) void {
        const idx = self.get_idx(irow, icol);
        if (self.tiles.items[idx].obj == .wall) {

        const myScore = 1000 * nrot + dist;
        //self.print_curr(irow, icol);
        // already visited this field in this direction and it was better.
        if (myScore > self.tiles.items[idx].score[@intFromEnum(dir)]) {
        // already visited this field in the opposite direction and it was better
        const redScore = if (myScore > 2002) myScore - 2002 else 0;
        if (redScore > self.tiles.items[idx].score[@mod(@intFromEnum(dir) + 2, 4)]) {

        self.tiles.items[idx].nrot = nrot;
        self.tiles.items[idx].dist = dist;
        self.tiles.items[idx].score[@intFromEnum(dir)] = myScore;

        if (irow == self.end[0] and icol == self.end[1]) {

        switch (dir) {
            .east => {
                self.flood(irow, icol + 1, .east, nrot, dist + 1);
                self.flood(irow - 1, icol, .north, nrot + 1, dist + 1);
                self.flood(irow + 1, icol, .south, nrot + 1, dist + 1);
            .west => {
                self.flood(irow, icol - 1, .west, nrot, dist + 1);
                self.flood(irow - 1, icol, .north, nrot + 1, dist + 1);
                self.flood(irow + 1, icol, .south, nrot + 1, dist + 1);
            .north => {
                self.flood(irow - 1, icol, .north, nrot, dist + 1);
                self.flood(irow, icol + 1, .east, nrot + 1, dist + 1);
                self.flood(irow, icol - 1, .west, nrot + 1, dist + 1);
            .south => {
                self.flood(irow + 1, icol, .south, nrot, dist + 1);
                self.flood(irow, icol + 1, .east, nrot + 1, dist + 1);
                self.flood(irow, icol - 1, .west, nrot + 1, dist + 1);

    pub fn solve(self: *Self) void {
        self.flood(self.start[0], self.start[1], .east, 0, 0);

        const idx_end = self.get_idx(self.end[0], self.end[1]);
        self.score = self.tiles.items[idx_end].dist + 1000 * self.tiles.items[idx_end].nrot;
        self.score = smallest(self.tiles.items[idx_end].score);

pub fn main() !void {
    var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
    defer _ = gpa.deinit();
    const allocator = gpa.allocator();

    var maze = maze_t.init(allocator);
    defer _ = maze.deinit();


    std.debug.print("Score of best path: {d}\n", .{maze.score});
Solution 2
const std = @import("std");

//const input = @embedFile("./tiny3.inp");
//const input = @embedFile("./small.inp");
//const input = @embedFile("./small2.inp");
const input = @embedFile("./big.inp");

const dir_t = enum(usize) { north, east, south, west };

const obj_t = enum { empty, wall, start, end };

fn smallest(arr: [4]usize) usize {
    var sm = arr[0];
    for (arr[1..]) |e| {
        if (e < sm) {
            sm = e;
    return sm;

const tile_t = struct {
    obj: obj_t,
    dist: usize,
    nrot: usize,
    used: bool,
    score: [4]usize,

const maze_t = struct {
    nrows: usize,
    ncols: usize,
    start: [2]usize,
    end: [2]usize,
    score: usize,
    tiles: std.ArrayList(tile_t),
    path: std.ArrayList([2]usize),

    const Self = @This();

    pub fn init(allocator: std.mem.Allocator) Self {
        const maze = Self{
            .nrows = undefined,
            .ncols = undefined,
            .start = undefined,
            .end = undefined,
            .score = undefined,
            .tiles = std.ArrayList(tile_t).init(allocator),
            .path = std.ArrayList([2]usize).init(allocator),
        return maze;

    pub fn deinit(self: *Self) void {
        self.nrows = undefined;
        self.ncols = undefined;
        self.start = undefined;
        self.end = undefined;
        self.score = undefined;
        _ = self.tiles.deinit();
        _ = self.path.deinit();

    pub fn get_idx(self: Self, irow: usize, icol: usize) usize {
        return irow * self.ncols + icol;

    pub fn get_coord(self: Self, idx: usize) [2]usize {
        const icol = @mod(idx, self.ncols);
        const irow = @divExact(idx - icol, self.ncols);
        return [2]usize{ irow, icol };

    pub fn read(self: *Self, inputstr: []const u8) !void {
        var lines = std.mem.tokenizeScalar(u8, inputstr, '\n');

        var irow: usize = 0;
        self.nrows = 0;
        while ( |line| : (irow += 1) {
            self.nrows += 1;
            var object: obj_t = undefined;
            for (line, 0..) |char, icol| {
                const dist: usize = 0;
                const nrot: usize = 0;
                const score = [4]usize{ std.math.maxInt(usize), std.math.maxInt(usize), std.math.maxInt(usize), std.math.maxInt(usize) };
                switch (char) {
                    'S' => {
                        self.start = [2]usize{ irow, icol };
                        object = .start;
                    'E' => {
                        self.end = [2]usize{ irow, icol };
                        object = .end;
                    '#' => {
                        object = .wall;
                    '.' => {
                        object = .empty;
                    else => {
                try self.tiles.append(tile_t{ .obj = object, .dist = dist, .nrot = nrot, .score = score, .used = false });
        self.ncols = self.tiles.items.len / self.nrows;

    pub fn print(self: Self) void {
        std.debug.print("\n", .{});
        std.debug.print("{d}x{d}\n", .{ self.nrows, self.ncols });
        for (0..self.nrows) |irow| {
            for (0..self.ncols) |icol| {
                const pos = self.get_idx(irow, icol);
                var char: u8 = undefined;
                switch (self.tiles.items[pos].obj) {
                    .wall => char = '#',
                    .start => char = 'S',
                    .end => char = 'E',
                    //    .empty => char = 'X',
                    .empty => char = if (self.tiles.items[pos].used) 'O' else ' ',
                //if (char == 'X') {
                //    const sc = smallest(self.tiles.items[pos].score);
                //    if (self.tiles.items[pos].score[0] == sc) {
                //        char = '^';
                //    }
                //    if (self.tiles.items[pos].score[1] == sc) {
                //        char = '>';
                //    }
                //    if (self.tiles.items[pos].score[2] == sc) {
                //        char = 'v';
                //    }
                //    if (self.tiles.items[pos].score[3] == sc) {
                //        char = '<';
                //    }
                std.debug.print("{c}", .{char});
            std.debug.print("\n", .{});
    pub fn print_curr(self: Self, crow: usize, ccol: usize) void {
        std.debug.print("\n", .{});
        std.debug.print("{d}x{d}\n", .{ self.nrows, self.ncols });
        for (0..self.nrows) |irow| {
            for (0..self.ncols) |icol| {
                const pos = self.get_idx(irow, icol);
                var char: u8 = undefined;
                if (irow == crow and icol == ccol) {
                    char = 'O';
                } else {
                    switch (self.tiles.items[pos].obj) {
                        .wall => char = '#',
                        .start => char = 'S',
                        .end => char = 'E',
                        .empty => {
                            char = switch (smallest(self.tiles.items[pos].score)) {
                                18446744073709551615 => ' ',
                                else => '.',
                std.debug.print("{c}", .{char});
            std.debug.print("\n", .{});

    fn flood(self: *Self, irow: usize, icol: usize, dir: dir_t, nrot: usize, dist: usize) void {
        const idx = self.get_idx(irow, icol);
        if (self.tiles.items[idx].obj == .wall) {

        const myScore = 1000 * nrot + dist;
        //self.print_curr(irow, icol);
        // already visited this field in this direction and it was better.
        if (myScore > self.tiles.items[idx].score[@intFromEnum(dir)]) {
        // already visited this field in the opposite direction and it was better
        const redScore = if (myScore > 2002) myScore - 2002 else 0;
        if (redScore > self.tiles.items[idx].score[@mod(@intFromEnum(dir) + 2, 4)]) {

        self.tiles.items[idx].nrot = nrot;
        self.tiles.items[idx].dist = dist;
        self.tiles.items[idx].score[@intFromEnum(dir)] = myScore;

        if (irow == self.end[0] and icol == self.end[1]) {

        switch (dir) {
            .east => {
                self.flood(irow, icol + 1, .east, nrot, dist + 1);
                self.flood(irow - 1, icol, .north, nrot + 1, dist + 1);
                self.flood(irow + 1, icol, .south, nrot + 1, dist + 1);
            .west => {
                self.flood(irow, icol - 1, .west, nrot, dist + 1);
                self.flood(irow - 1, icol, .north, nrot + 1, dist + 1);
                self.flood(irow + 1, icol, .south, nrot + 1, dist + 1);
            .north => {
                self.flood(irow - 1, icol, .north, nrot, dist + 1);
                self.flood(irow, icol + 1, .east, nrot + 1, dist + 1);
                self.flood(irow, icol - 1, .west, nrot + 1, dist + 1);
            .south => {
                self.flood(irow + 1, icol, .south, nrot, dist + 1);
                self.flood(irow, icol + 1, .east, nrot + 1, dist + 1);
                self.flood(irow, icol - 1, .west, nrot + 1, dist + 1);

    pub fn solve(self: *Self) void {
        self.flood(self.start[0], self.start[1], .east, 0, 0);

        const idx_end = self.get_idx(self.end[0], self.end[1]);
        self.score = smallest(self.tiles.items[idx_end].score);

    fn score_works(prev_score: usize, my_score: usize) bool {
        if ((prev_score >= 1 and my_score == prev_score - 1) or (prev_score >= 1001 and my_score == prev_score - 1001)) {
            return true;
        return false;

    fn mark_path_step(self: *Self, irow: usize, icol: usize, prev_score: usize) void {
        const idx = self.get_idx(irow, icol);
        self.tiles.items[idx].used = true;

        if (self.tiles.items[idx].obj == .start) {

        const my_score = self.tiles.items[idx].score;
        //std.debug.print("({d},{d}) => {any}\n", .{ irow, icol, self.tiles.items[idx].score });
        //std.debug.print("trying south {d} {d} {d}\n", .{ prev_score, my_score[0], self.tiles.items[self.get_idx(irow + 1, icol)].score[0] });
        if (score_works(prev_score, my_score[0])) {
            //std.debug.print("going south\n", .{});
            self.mark_path_step(irow + 1, icol, my_score[0]);
        //std.debug.print("({d},{d}) => {any}\n", .{ irow, icol, self.tiles.items[idx].score });
        //std.debug.print("trying west {d} {d} {d} \n", .{ prev_score, my_score[1], self.tiles.items[self.get_idx(irow, icol - 1)].score[1] });
        if (score_works(prev_score, my_score[1])) {
            //std.debug.print("going west\n", .{});
            self.mark_path_step(irow, icol - 1, my_score[1]);
        //std.debug.print("({d},{d}) => {any}\n", .{ irow, icol, self.tiles.items[idx].score });
        //std.debug.print("trying north {d} {d} {d}\n", .{ prev_score, my_score[2], self.tiles.items[self.get_idx(irow - 1, icol)].score[2] });
        if (score_works(prev_score, my_score[2])) {
            //std.debug.print("going north\n", .{});
            self.mark_path_step(irow - 1, icol, my_score[2]);
        //std.debug.print("({d},{d}) => {any}\n", .{ irow, icol, self.tiles.items[idx].score });
        //std.debug.print("trying east {d} {d} {d}\n", .{ prev_score, my_score[3], self.tiles.items[self.get_idx(irow, icol + 1)].score[3] });
        if (score_works(prev_score, my_score[3])) {
            //std.debug.print("going east\n", .{});
            self.mark_path_step(irow, icol + 1, my_score[3]);

    pub fn mark_path(self: *Self) void {
        const idx_end = self.get_idx(self.end[0], self.end[1]);
        //std.debug.print("({d},{d}) => {any}\n", .{ self.end[0], self.end[1], self.tiles.items[idx_end].score });
        self.tiles.items[idx_end].used = true;
        if (self.tiles.items[idx_end].score[0] == self.score) {
            self.mark_path_step(self.end[0] + 1, self.end[1], self.score);
        if (self.tiles.items[idx_end].score[1] == self.score) {
            self.mark_path_step(self.end[0], self.end[1] - 1, self.score);
        if (self.tiles.items[idx_end].score[2] == self.score) {
            self.mark_path_step(self.end[0], self.end[1] + 1, self.score);
        if (self.tiles.items[idx_end].score[3] == self.score) {
            self.mark_path_step(self.end[0] - 1, self.end[1], self.score);

    pub fn count_best_tiles(self: Self) usize {
        var cnt: usize = 0;
        for (self.tiles.items) |tile| {
            if (tile.used) {
                cnt += 1;
        return cnt;

pub fn main() !void {
    var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
    defer _ = gpa.deinit();
    const allocator = gpa.allocator();

    var maze = maze_t.init(allocator);
    defer _ = maze.deinit();


    std.debug.print("Number of fields on best paths: {d}\n", .{maze.count_best_tiles()});

Under 2ms. Congratulations to those who got it faster (0.2ms, really p88h?), I am not smart enough.
Using this arrayn: The Zig Pastebin

Not super happy with my part 2 solution, could probably skip some of the allocations, but for now, I’m just happy it runs.