I have been working on a “batteries-included” web framework for Zig for a couple of months in my spare time. The project has been coming along quite well and already has some pretty nice features, including a Templ-like (kind of) templating language called Zmpl, dynamic JSON/template data object building, structured encrypted user session cookies, static content rendering, file-based routing and template discovery, etc.
It has a long way to go before being production ready but it is now possible to create “real” web applications with it. I am using it with HTMX and I am finding Zig a very nice language to use for web dev (I come from a Python/Ruby background).
I have a long list of features I plan to add to the framework and it is winter here so I am not going outside much.
Great, I will take a look ! Jetzig routing is very basic at the moment and I am expecting to overhaul it completely (internally), so anything I can learn from your work would be very helpful.
I thought about using .html.zmpl but I decided to go with .zmpl since Zmpl is (primarily) an HTML templating language, so the extra extension seemed redundant.
I’m hoping I can figure out how to get zls integration working but that’s for later.
Hi, Ravin. Inspiration comes from all the frameworks I’ve used over the years - Rails, Django, Laravel, Next.js, Phoenix, etc. etc.
I’m planning to add Inertia.js middleware soon as well.
If you are interested in contributing to the project, please feel free to join our Discord (see https://jetzig.dev/ for details) or, if you are building your own project, let me know and I will add a link to it on the website/README.