Advent of Code in Zig

Wherein Loris gives advice on doing Advent of Code in Zig.


Looking forward to another year of AoC!

If anyone wants a template for the problems, I’ve developed this over the past
few years: GitHub - JacobCrabill/AdventOfCode-2024: My solutions for Advent of Code, 2024 (See also 2023 and 2022).


Bumping this since it starts tomorrow. I highly recommend the advice in this blog post especially for zig newbies trying it for the first time via Advent of Code.


aha there is a template available:

Just found this forum, hello !

I’m coding in Zig this year and sifting through Reddit for other Zig solutions is a bit challenging; so will look here for cool ideas now.

And sharing back, my repo is here:

Since it’s Zig, I’m trying to make it fast, so it uses standard libraries sparingly; but still, may be useful. I am also doing visualisations w/Raylib (in Zig via their standard bindings), sources in repo, videos on YouTube

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