Hi @ExpandingMan welcome to Ziggit!
You can assign your var to a const and then use that const in the return value instead. That way the return value doesn’t directly refer to a comptime var anymore and is seen as static data that doesn’t refer back to comptime.
For a full explanation read this:
So I think this should work:
fn buildfield(comptime name: [:0]const u8, comptime typ: type, comptime opts: anytype) Type.StructField {
comptime var default_value: ?*const anyopaque = null;
comptime var is_comptime: bool = false;
comptime var alignment: comptime_int = @alignOf(typ);
inline for (meta.fields(@TypeOf(opts))) |opt| {
if (mem.eql(u8, opt.name, "default_value")) {
default_value = @ptrCast(&@field(opts, opt.name));
} else if (mem.eql(u8, opt.name, "is_comptime")) {
is_comptime = @field(opts, opt.name);
} else if (mem.eql(u8, opt.name, "alignment")) {
alignment = @field(opts, opt.name);
} else {
@compileError("got bogus argument for buildfield option");
const frozen_default_value = default_value;
const frozen_is_comptime = is_comptime;
const frozen_alignment = alignment;
return Type.StructField{
.name = name,
.type = typ,
.default_value = frozen_default_value,
.is_comptime = frozen_is_comptime,
.alignment = frozen_alignment,