Parameter passing

100% agree, it’s really ugly, but… let’s place var keyword on the rhs of :, right before a type and let’s use other keyword for “introducing” data description, let it be let, then everything becomes “homogeneous” and super-consistent:

data (variables and constants)

let name: const T;      // immutable data
let name: var T;        // mutable data

let ptr: const * const T; // immutable pointer to immutable data
let ptr: const * var T;   // immutable pointer to mutable data
let ptr: var * const T;   // mutable pointer to immutable data
let ptr: var * var T;     // mutable pointer to mutable data

Just look, it reads exactly as it’s written (in English, of course):

const         *         var       T; 
immutable pointer-to  mutable data-(of-this-type)

function arguments

just a copy-past of : rhs above:

fn func(arg: const T) R {}
fn func(arg: var T) R {}

fn func(arg: const * const T) R {}
fn func(arg: const * var T) R {}
fn func(arg: var * const T) R {}
fn func(arg: var * var T) R {}

types (structs) and theirs fields:

let Struct: const type = struct { // : var type?!? what would that mean?
    // struct-global stuff
    let a: const u32 = 3;
    let instances: var u32 = 0;

    f1: const T, // assign once?
    f2: var T,
    f3: const * const T,
    f4: const * var T,
    f5: var * const T,
    f6: var * var T,

Language designers, don’t just walk past, grab the idea! :innocent:

Why not. My favorite (semi-humorous) definition of “philosophy” is - “Philosophy is a science about proper usage of words”. In respect to PL syntax the usage of Pascal style var/const words is a bit improper in the sense that they are used for two different purposes:

  • introducing data description
  • indicating whether that data may be changed or not

Rust with it’s let and let mut is a little bit more closer to what I’m trying to say, but…:slight_smile:
let’s place mutability keyword on the : rhs anyway.

Too many const/var, ok, let’s make everything immutable by default, then const keyword is not needed at all, just let and var/mut will do (if really needed):

let name: T;           // immutable data
let name: var T;       // mutable data

let ptr: * T;          // immutable pointer to immutable data
let ptr: * var T;      // immutable pointer to mutable data
let ptr: var * T;      // mutable pointer to immutable data
let ptr: var * var T;  // mutable pointer to mutable data
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