I think you want this builtin? @src:
const std = @import("std");
fn exampleFunction() !void {
const s = @src();
std.debug.print("file: {s}\n", .{s.file});
std.debug.print("fn_name: {s}\n", .{s.fn_name});
std.debug.print("line: {d}\n", .{s.line});
std.debug.print("column: {d}\n", .{s.column});
pub fn main() !void {
try exampleFunction();
file: sourcelocation.zig
fn_name: exampleFunction
line: 4
column: 15
If you want to create some kind of utility printf debugging thing you need to pass @src()
to the function as a parameter with type std.builtin.SourceLocation:
fn print(s: std.builtin.SourceLocation, comptime fmt: []const u8, args: anytype) void {
std.debug.print(fmt, args);
std.debug.print("file: {s}\n", .{s.file});
std.debug.print("fn_name: {s}\n", .{s.fn_name});
std.debug.print("line: {d}\n", .{s.line});
std.debug.print("column: {d}\n", .{s.column});
pub fn main() !void {
const foo = 12;
print(@src(), "foo is: {d}\n", .{foo});
Another way would be to use: