Does zig.zon not support non zig based projects

$ zig fetch --help
Usage: zig fetch [options] <url>
Usage: zig fetch [options] <path>

    Copy a package into the global cache and print its hash.

  -h, --help                    Print this help and exit
  --global-cache-dir [path]     Override path to global Zig cache directory
  --debug-hash                  Print verbose hash information to stdout
  --save                        Add the fetched package to build.zig.zon
  --save=[name]                 Add the fetched package to build.zig.zon as name
  --save-exact                  Add the fetched package to build.zig.zon, storing the URL verbatim
  --save-exact=[name]           Add the fetched package to build.zig.zon as name, storing the URL verbatim

you need --save=[name] since the name cannot be determined