I need to perform some platform specific unit tests and my first thought was to write a custom test runner that would run on my freestanding platform. The basic idea is to use the build system to create a test program, install it in an appropriate place and from there I can download and run it.
I started with test_runner.zig
from the compiler and chopped away. This is the code I obtained:
//! Adapted from Zig compiler default test runner for unit tests.
//! Striped down to freestanding, microcontroller size.
comptime {
_ = @import("start_main"); // platform specific start up
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const std = @import("std");
const SvcService = @import("SvcService"); // platform specific to obtain console I/O
pub const std_options = .{
.logFn = SvcService.logToConsole,
pub fn main() void {
SvcService.log_console.open(921_600, true, .terminal) catch return;
const writer = SvcService.log_console.writer();
const test_fn_list = builtin.test_functions;
var ok_count: usize = 0;
var skip_count: usize = 0;
var fail_count: usize = 0;
for (test_fn_list, 0..) |test_fn, i| {
writer.print("{d}/{d} {s}...", .{ i + 1, test_fn_list.len, test_fn.name }) catch return;
if (test_fn.func()) |_| {
ok_count += 1;
writer.print("OK\n", .{}) catch return;
} else |err| switch (err) {
error.SkipZigTest => {
skip_count += 1;
writer.print("SKIP\n", .{}) catch return;
else => {
fail_count += 1;
writer.print("FAIL ({s})\n", .{@errorName(err)}) catch return;
if (ok_count == test_fn_list.len) {
writer.print("All {d} tests passed.\n", .{ok_count}) catch return;
} else {
writer.print("{d} passed; {d} skipped; {d} failed.\n", .{ ok_count, skip_count, fail_count }) catch return;
Alas, I cannot build this test runner. I get the following errors:
$ zig build reltuple-test -freference-trace
└─ install reltuple_unit_test
└─ zig test reltuple_unit_test Debug thumb-freestanding-eabihf 3 errors
/home/andrewm/opt/ziglang/zig-linux-x86_64-0.14.0-dev.1952+9f84f7f92/lib/std/Thread.zig:556:9: error: Unsupported operating system freestanding
@compileError("Unsupported operating system " ++ @tagName(native_os));
/home/andrewm/opt/ziglang/zig-linux-x86_64-0.14.0-dev.1952+9f84f7f92/lib/std/posix.zig:107:33: error: struct 'posix.system__struct_1350' has no member named 'STDERR_FILENO'
/home/andrewm/opt/ziglang/zig-linux-x86_64-0.14.0-dev.1952+9f84f7f92/lib/std/posix.zig:48:13: note: struct declared here
else => struct {
/home/andrewm/opt/ziglang/zig-linux-x86_64-0.14.0-dev.1952+9f84f7f92/lib/std/posix.zig:1255:26: error: struct 'posix.system__struct_1350' has no member named 'write'
const rc = system.write(fd, bytes.ptr, @min(bytes.len, max_count));
/home/andrewm/opt/ziglang/zig-linux-x86_64-0.14.0-dev.1952+9f84f7f92/lib/std/posix.zig:48:13: note: struct declared here
else => struct {
Clearly, some POSIX references are being mixed in and I’m at a loss for determining where. No reference trace is printed.
My question is, has anyone else done anything in this area ? Has anyone built a custom test runner for a freestanding system?